

The 6th Edition of the Annual Conference on White-Collar Crime and Corporate Fraud in Romania 2024
March 7, 2024 - Bucharest
The 6th annual edition of the Romanian White Collar Crime & Corporate Fraud Conference features presentations on how to identify, detect and manage risks related to fraudulent activities in companies.
Corporate fraud in its various forms is on the rise and the fight against fraud gains new facets every year.
As companies see the benefits of taking a proactive approach to fraud risk management, the focus on implementing anti-fraud compliance programmes can ensure that appropriate resources are committed to risk management and an organisation’s focus remains on the areas where fraud could surface.
Proactively addressing fraud will remain critical for organisations to address the impacts fraud could have on commercial activities.
Join us on March 7 to find why is important to drive corporate culture and find ways to proactively identifying fraud risk.
This event is addressed to the executive management with a focus on corporate governance and compliance areas.
Registration conditions: The program and the speakers are subject to change. Should the conference be cancelled due to force majeure, unavailability of the conference venue, speakers being prevented or for other good cause, the organizer reserves the right to cancel the conference.
Participation fee return policy:
- if the request for cancellation is made up to 45 calendar days before the event, the amount paid will be returned in full;
- if the request for cancellation is made up to 30 calendar days before the event, 70% of the amount paid is returned;
- if the request for cancellation is made up to 15 calendar days before the event, 50% of the amount paid is returned;
- if the request for cancellation is made less than 7 days before the event, the amount paid will not be returned.
Data protection and sharing of contact details
The Conference Organizer will collect and store your personal datafor the preparation and execution of the conference as well as to inform you about future projects related to your sector and line of work. Your contact data will only be passed on to partners directly involved in the conference organization process as partners for follow-up purposes. If you have any questions about our privacy policy and the processing of your e-mail and related personal data, do not hesitate to write us at [email protected]


ESG Compliance & Fraud Risk Management
2023 • România
13 Iunie. Grand Hotel București - sala Ronda
Noi Soluții pentru Noi Riscuri - ESG Compliance și Prevenirea Riscului de Fraudă
Raportările ESG au devenit in ultimii ani la fel de importante ca și raportarile financiare și, pe măsură ce presiunea de conformitate din partea autorităților de reglementare, a investitorilor și a publicului crește, la fel crește și potențialul de fraudă.
Asistăm la o creștere a cazurilor de fraudă legate de ESG. Declarațiile înșelătoare, afirmațiile false și exagerarea activităților de mediu, sociale si de guvernanță corporativă devin o preocupare reală, fiind necesară o mai mare transparență din partea corporațiilor în ceea ce privește ESG.
Vă așteptăm pe 13 iunie, pentru a înțelege cum să abordați raportarea ESG în manieră corectă, să identificați factorii de influență și factorii de acțiune specifici companiei, evaluarea riscului de fraudă și cum puteți realiza o prezentare transparentă a politicilor ESG ale companiei.
Vom raspunde la urmatoarele intrebari:
- Cum facem integrarea eficientă a factorilor ESG în practicile de management al riscului
- Cum verificați afirmațiile cuprinse în raportatile nefinanciare și cum puteți să detectați potențialele fraude?
- Sunt raportările nefinanciare ESG ale companiei supuse aceleiași rigori ca și rapoartele financiare?
- Care sunt datele cheie? Există controale interne pentru a verifica fidelitatea datelor colectate?
- Care este planul pentru dezvăluirea și corectarea problemelor identificate în raportarea ESG?
- Au fost implementate suficiente controale în compania dumneavoastră pentru a detecta cazurile de fraudă ESG într-un stadiu incipient?
- Când vine vorba de procesele și mecanismele de control, riscurile asociate fraudei ESG sunt monitorizate și evaluate în mod regulat?
- Ce proceduri ați implementat pentru investigarea unei potențiale fraude?
Condiții de înregistrare: Programul și temele sesiunilor de discutii pot fi modificate. În cazul în care apar motive de forță majoră, sau reglementari ale autoritatilor care interzic sau limiteaza accesul la conferinte, organizatorul își rezervă dreptul de a anula evenimentul in format fizic, fiind organizata transmisia exclusiv online. În cazul anulării, toți participanții vor fi informați cu promptitudine iar taxele de participare rambursate.


Romanian Solar Summit 2023
4th annual edition - May 18, 2023 Grand Hotel Bucharest
If you are active in solar photovoltaic energy, this is the event to be in!
GOVNET Conferences invites you to attend the largest and most comprehensive conference dedicated to this sector in Romania. The event will not only be a place to exchange experience across the entire supply chain of the PV industry, but it will also create a platform for an in depth analysis of the possible solar industry development in Romania.
The annual event is organized by GOVNET and is the biggest conference dedicated exclusively for the PV industry in the country that will bring together the highest level experts in this sector. This Summit will promote solar energy in Romania and will be a high-level one day conference based on very practical, useful presentations that will offer relevant information to major decision-makers in the industry.
The event will raise awareness towards Romania as a still attractive investment target in PV.
The gateway to Romanian solar industry - The Romanian Solar Summit 2023, will offer you the unique chance and access to useful practical information from authorities and large companies with extensive experience in the photovoltaic industry, and the privilege to meet world players from the solar energy industry during networking time that will facilitate new partnerships, new connections, new business ideas and future growth.
Make sure to book a place!
Target group: Local and International experts from the solar photovoltaic and the energy industry and Romanian authorities supervising and regulating the field.
Language: Romanian and English (with simultaneous translation in Romanian)
Registration Options:
The program and the speakers are subject to change. Should the conference be cancelled due to force majeure, unavailability of the conference venue, speakers being prevented or for other good cause, the organizer reserves the right to cancel the conference. In case of cancellation all participants will be informed promptly. In this case, all registration fees will be reimbursed.
Registration conditions: The program and the speakers are subject to change. Should the conference be cancelled due to force majeure, unavailability of the conference venue, speakers being prevented or for other good cause, the organizer reserves the right to cancel the conference.
Data protection and sharing of contact details
The Conference Organizer will collect and store your personal datafor the preparation and execution of the conference as well as to inform you about future projects related to your sector and line of work. Your contact data will only be passed on to partners directly involved in the conference organization process as partners for follow-up purposes. If you have any questions about our privacy policy and the processing of your e-mail and related personal data, do not hesitate to write us at [email protected]


Annual Conference on whistleblowing, White-Collar Crime and Corporate Fraud in Romania 2023
March 1, 2023 - Bucharest
The 5th annual edition of the Romanian White Collar Crime & Corporate Fraud Conference features presentations on how to identify, detect and manage risks related to fraudulent activities in companies.
Corporate fraud in its various forms is on the rise and the fight against fraud gains new facets every year.
As companies see the benefits of taking a proactive approach to fraud risk management, the focus on implementing anti-fraud compliance programmes can ensure that appropriate resources are committed to risk management and an organisation’s focus remains on the areas where fraud could surface.
Proactively addressing fraud will remain critical for organisations to address the impacts fraud could have on commercial activities.
Join us on March 1st to find why is important to drive corporate culture and find ways to proactively identifying fraud risk.
This event is addressed to the executive management with a focus on corporate governance and compliance areas.
Registration conditions: The program and the speakers are subject to change. Should the conference be cancelled due to force majeure, unavailability of the conference venue, speakers being prevented or for other good cause, the organizer reserves the right to cancel the conference.
Participation fee return policy:
- if the request for cancellation is made up to 45 calendar days before the event, the amount paid will be returned in full;
- if the request for cancellation is made up to 30 calendar days before the event, 70% of the amount paid is returned;
- if the request for cancellation is made up to 15 calendar days before the event, 50% of the amount paid is returned;
- if the request for cancellation is made less than 7 days before the event, the amount paid will not be returned.
Data protection and sharing of contact details
The Conference Organizer will collect and store your personal datafor the preparation and execution of the conference as well as to inform you about future projects related to your sector and line of work. Your contact data will only be passed on to partners directly involved in the conference organization process as partners for follow-up purposes. If you have any questions about our privacy policy and the processing of your e-mail and related personal data, do not hesitate to write us at [email protected]


ESG 2022
Raportarea Non-Financiară de Sustenabilitate în România
24 Noiembrie. Grand Hotel București - a 3-a ediție anuală
Raportarea ESG • EU Taxonomy • Impactul de Mediu • Economie Circulară
Factorii ESG joacă un rol din ce in ce mai important în creșterea competitivității, iar performanța non-financiară a unei companii este esențială în asigurarea succesului.
Abordarea corectă a raportărilor privind performanța non-financiară este crucială, iar investițiile responsabile care țîn cont de impactul factorilor de mediu, sociali și de guvernanță (ESG) sunt concepte cheie ale unei strategii de afaceri bazate pe principii sustenabile.
Teme abordate:
- Viitorul raportării datelor ESG și armonizarea cu directivele Uniunii Europene.
- Strategia de Sustenabilitate ESG - Instrument indispensabil pentru competitivitate
- Standarde de raportare ESG – Uniformizarea cadrului de raportare si indicatori
- Cresterea transparentei de raportare a datelor ESG si evitarea dublei raportări
- Indicatorii ESG și rentabilitatea investiției - încorporarea datelor ESG în deciziile de investiții
- Rolul raportării non-financiare și impactul pe care îl are în business și societate
Condiții de înregistrare: Programul și temele sesiunilor de discutii pot fi modificate. În cazul în care apar motive de forță majoră, sau reglementari ale autoritatilor care interzic sau limiteaza accesul la conferinte, organizatorul își rezervă dreptul de a anula evenimentul in format fizic, fiind organizata transmisia exclusiv online. În cazul anulării, toți participanții vor fi informați cu promptitudine iar taxele de participare rambursate.


October 13. Bucharest
Under the slogan “Meet the Renewables Sector in Romania!” the event organized by Govnet Conferences, will bring together the most important players active in the renewable energy power generation on the local market, also companies from complementary spheres and authorities alike.
Join us on October 13, 2022 to share perspectives on the current status of the Romanian renewables market, the discussions reaching topics of great importance for all the factors involved in the development of these projects.
Registration conditions: The program and the speakers are subject to change. Should the conference be cancelled due to force majeure, unavailability of the conference venue, speakers being prevented or for other good cause, the organizer reserves the right to cancel the conference.
Participation fee return policy:
- if the request for cancellation is made up to 45 calendar days before the event, the amount paid will be returned in full;
- if the request for cancellation is made up to 30 calendar days before the event, 70% of the amount paid is returned;
- if the request for cancellation is made up to 15 calendar days before the event, 50% of the amount paid is returned;
- if the request for cancellation is made less than 7 days before the event, the amount paid will not be returned.
Data protection and sharing of contact details
The Conference Organizer will collect and store your personal datafor the preparation and execution of the conference as well as to inform you about future projects related to your sector and line of work. Your contact data will only be passed on to partners directly involved in the conference organization process as partners for follow-up purposes. If you have any questions about our privacy policy and the processing of your e-mail and related personal data, do not hesitate to write us at [email protected]


Net Zero Carbon Summit 2022
Net Zero Emissions • Energy Efficiency • Resource Optimisation • Carbon Offset
Join us on May 19, 2022 to share perspectives on the path to zero carbon, learn about organizations best practices and explore ways to collaborate on the journey to NET ZERO.
Industry leaders will debate on the social, health and economic benefits of zero carbon and zero energy projects, exploring structures, models and pathways for developing decarbonized projects, including ESG investments and the economic and environmental value of achieving operational carbon reductions.
This event is addressed to the executive management with a focus on corporate governance and compliance areas.
Registration conditions: The program and the speakers are subject to change. Should the conference be cancelled due to force majeure, unavailability of the conference venue, speakers being prevented or for other good cause, the organizer reserves the right to cancel the conference.
Participation fee return policy:
- if the request for cancellation is made up to 45 calendar days before the event, the amount paid will be returned in full;
- if the request for cancellation is made up to 30 calendar days before the event, 70% of the amount paid is returned;
- if the request for cancellation is made up to 15 calendar days before the event, 50% of the amount paid is returned;
- if the request for cancellation is made less than 7 days before the event, the amount paid will not be returned.
Data protection and sharing of contact details
The Conference Organizer will collect and store your personal datafor the preparation and execution of the conference as well as to inform you about future projects related to your sector and line of work. Your contact data will only be passed on to partners directly involved in the conference organization process as partners for follow-up purposes. If you have any questions about our privacy policy and the processing of your e-mail and related personal data, do not hesitate to write us at [email protected]


The 4th annual edition of the Romanian White Collar Crime & Corporate Fraud Conference features presentations on how to identify, detect and manage risks related to fraudulent activities in companies.
This traditional event will address anti-bribery and anti-money laundering systems and controls and will provide a regulatory and enforcement update on legislation in Romania. Attendees will have the opportunity to hear from anti-bribery and anti-money laundering experts, the Ministry of Justice and the Romanian National Office for Prevention and Control of Money Laundering.
Implementing procedures to help companies comply with bribery and tax evasion legislation is a necessary task in 2021, that can ensure efficient control for monitoring and mitigating the risk of fraud.
Our conference will address the latest challenges, threats and developments in fraud prevention and white collar crime to help companies minimize exposure to risk and build effective processes and controls to identify and manage new type of risks in an advanced technological environment.
This event is addressed to the executive management with a focus on corporate governance and compliance areas.
Access to the event will be allowed to the following categories of people:
• Vaccinated against the SARS-CoV-2 virus and for which 10 days have elapsed since the completion of the complete vaccination schedule.
• Persons between the 15th and 180th day after confirmation of SARS-CoV-2 infection.
Registration conditions: The program and the speakers are subject to change. Should the conference be cancelled due to force majeure, unavailability of the conference venue, speakers being prevented or for other good cause, the organizer reserves the right to cancel the conference.
Participation fee return policy:
- if the request for cancellation is made up to 45 calendar days before the event, the amount paid will be returned in full;
- if the request for cancellation is made up to 30 calendar days before the event, 70% of the amount paid is returned;
- if the request for cancellation is made up to 15 calendar days before the event, 50% of the amount paid is returned;
- if the request for cancellation is made less than 7 days before the event, the amount paid will not be returned.
Data protection and sharing of contact details
The Conference Organizer will collect and store your personal datafor the preparation and execution of the conference as well as to inform you about future projects related to your sector and line of work. Your contact data will only be passed on to partners directly involved in the conference organization process as partners for follow-up purposes. If you have any questions about our privacy policy and the processing of your e-mail and related personal data, do not hesitate to write us at [email protected]


2021 Online Edition - Friday, 10 December 2021
Annual Fraud Conference - Fraud trends & current challenges
Special focus on internal fraud, cyberfraud, investment funds & fraud sensitivity, exit interviews, profiling & HUMINT, fiscal & financial fraud risks
Noerr invites you to join this year's Annual Fraud Conference, organised in cooperation with the Corporate Intelligence Agency and GovNET Conferences.
This year’s edition will kick off on Friday, 10 December from 10:00 a.m. to 13:30 p.m. EET and will provide private companies with valuable information on the latest hot fraud related topics, as well as an in depth insight on fraud management tools.
Annual overview on fraud trends & current challenges
The main challenges companies face when dealing with internal fraud
How public authorities manage internal fraud cases
On the rise: cyberfraud
Investment funds & fraud sensitivity
Exit interviews, profiling & HUMINT
Fiscal & financial fraud risks. Case studies
Participation is free, with prior confirmation from the organizer and transmission of the access code.
The conference will be held in Romanian language.
This event is dedicated to companies interested in learning more about our services. We reserve the right to reject or exclude participants for important reason.
NOTE: The conference access code will be sent individually on DECEMBER 9, 2021.
Event Organizer: Noerr
Noerr stands for excellence and an entrepreneurial approach. With highly experienced teams of strong characters, Noerr devises and implements solutions for the most complex and sophisticated legal challenges. United by a set of shared values, the firm’s 500+ professionals are driven by one goal: our client’s success. As one of the leading European law firms, Noerr is also internationally renowned with offices in eleven countries and a global network of top-ranked “best friends” law firms.
Event Partner: Corporate Intelligence Agency
Corporate Intelligence Agency is one of the top leading business and competitive intelligence company in Romania, providing its partners with integrated services dedicated to securing the business, reducing risks or eliminating vulnerabilities that may occur. Whether it's valuable information, different types of fraud, managing risks and current or occasional threats, regardless of our partner's profile, the company will try to offer integrated Business and Corporate Intelligence solutions, actively contributing to the successful achievement of the client's goals.
With clients activating in various industries (banking, insurance, investment funds, law firms, retail, private healthcare, pharma etc.) the company delivers added value to the decision making process, offering the necessary awareness in order to implement required steps.
Registration conditions: The program and the speakers are subject to change. Should the conference be cancelled due to force majeure, unavailability of the conference venue, speakers being prevented or for other good cause, the organizer reserves the right to cancel the conference.
Data protection and sharing of contact details
The Conference Organizer will collect and store your personal datafor the preparation and execution of the conference as well as to inform you about future projects related to your sector and line of work. Your contact data will only be passed on to partners directly involved in the conference organization process as partners for follow-up purposes. If you have any questions about our privacy policy and the processing of your e-mail and related personal data, do not hesitate to write us at [email protected]


ESG • Raportarea Non-Financiară de Sustenabilitate 2021
Raportarea ESG • EU Taxonomy • Impactul de Mediu • Economie Circulară
Investițiile responsabile care tin cont de impactul factorilor de mediu, sociali și de guvernanță (ESG) asupra performanței financiare a companiei, sunt concepte cheie pentru orice companie.
Protejarea mediului, siguranța și protecția angajaților și comunităților, precum și obligativitatea raportării nefinanciare, devin din ce în ce mai populare și în România, în ton cu dialogul purtat la nivel global în ceea ce privește dezvoltarea sustenabilă.
Pentru a reduce cât mai mult impactul negativ al activității economice asupra mediului înconjurător și a crește impactul social pozitiv, sunt însă necesare modificări la nivel strategic pentru multiple sectoare de activitate, atât pe plan operațional, cât și la nivelul investițiilor.
Limba de desfasurare si prezentare: română
Condiții de înregistrare: Programul și temele sesiunilor de discutii pot fi modificate. În cazul în care conferința va fi anulată din motive de forță majoră, sau pentru alte motive obiective, organizatorul își rezervă dreptul de a anula conferința. În cazul anulării, toți participanții vor fi informați cu promptitudine.
Protecția datelor și partajarea detaliilor de contact
Organizatorul conferinței va colecta și păstra datele dumneavoastră personale pentru pregătirea și desfășurarea conferinței, precum și pentru a vă informa cu privire la viitoarele proiecte legate de sectorul dumneavoastră și de domeniul de activitate. Datele dvs. de contact vor fi transmise numai partenerilor implicați direct în procesul de organizare a conferinței . Dacă aveți întrebări cu privire la politica noastră de confidențialitate și la procesarea mesajelor dvs. de poștă electronică și a datelor personale aferente, nu ezitați să ne scrieți la [email protected]


Romanian Solar Summit 2021
3rd annual edition - May 27, 2021 GovNET Live
If you are active in solar photovoltaic energy, this is the event to be in!
GOVNET Conferences and the Romanian Photovoltaic Industry Association invites you to attend the largest and most comprehensive conference dedicated to this sector in Romania. The event will not only be a place to exchange experience across the entire supply chain of the PV industry, but it will also create a platform for an in depth analysis of the possible solar industry development in Romania.
The largest annual event of the Romanian Photovoltaic Industry Association RPIA is organized by GOVNET and is the biggest conference dedicated exclusively for the PV industry in the country that will bring together the highest level experts in this sector. This Summit will promote solar energy in Romania and will be a high-level one day conference based on very practical, useful presentations that will offer relevant information to major decision-makers in the industry.
The event will raise awareness towards Romania as a still attractive investment target in PV.
The gateway to Romanian solar industry - The Romanian Solar Summit 2021, will offer you the unique chance and access to useful practical information from authorities and large companies with extensive experience in the photovoltaic industry, and the privilege to meet world players from the solar energy industry during networking time that will facilitate new partnerships, new connections, new business ideas and future growth.
Make sure to book a place!
Target group: Local and International experts from the solar photovoltaic and the energy industry and Romanian authorities supervising and regulating the field.
Language: Romanian and English (with simultaneous translation in Romanian)
Registration: Conference participation fee is 59 € + 19% VAT. Register online via the registration page on www.govnet.ro
The program and the speakers are subject to change. Should the conference be cancelled due to force majeure, unavailability of the conference venue, speakers being prevented or for other good cause, the organizer reserves the right to cancel the conference. In case of cancellation all participants will be informed promptly. In this case, all registration fees will be reimbursed.
Registration conditions: The program and the speakers are subject to change. Should the conference be cancelled due to force majeure, unavailability of the conference venue, speakers being prevented or for other good cause, the organizer reserves the right to cancel the conference.
Data protection and sharing of contact details
The Conference Organizer will collect and store your personal datafor the preparation and execution of the conference as well as to inform you about future projects related to your sector and line of work. Your contact data will only be passed on to partners directly involved in the conference organization process as partners for follow-up purposes. If you have any questions about our privacy policy and the processing of your e-mail and related personal data, do not hesitate to write us at [email protected]


The third annual edition of the Romanian White Collar Crime & Corporate Fraud Conference features presentations on how to identify, detect and manage risks related to fraudulent activities in companies.
This traditional event will address anti-bribery and anti-money laundering systems and controls and will provide a regulatory and enforcement update on legislation in Romania. Attendees will have the opportunity to hear from anti-bribery and anti-money laundering experts, the Ministry of Justice and the Romanian National Office for Prevention and Control of Money Laundering.
Implementing procedures to help companies comply with bribery and tax evasion legislation is a necessary task in 2020, that can ensure efficient control for monitoring and mitigating the risk of fraud.
Our conference will address the latest challenges, threats and developments in fraud prevention and white collar crime to help companies minimize exposure to risk and build effective processes and controls to identify and manage new type of risks in an advanced technological environment.
This event is addressed to the executive management with a focus on corporate governance and compliance areas.
There is no cost to attend this event but registration is required.
Registration conditions: The program and the speakers are subject to change. Should the conference be cancelled due to force majeure, unavailability of the conference venue, speakers being prevented or for other good cause, the organizer reserves the right to cancel the conference.
Data protection and sharing of contact details
The Conference Organizer will collect and store your personal datafor the preparation and execution of the conference as well as to inform you about future projects related to your sector and line of work. Your contact data will only be passed on to partners directly involved in the conference organization process as partners for follow-up purposes. If you have any questions about our privacy policy and the processing of your e-mail and related personal data, do not hesitate to write us at [email protected]


The panel of high-level speakers includes renowned lawyers and fraud investigators working together to provide companies with the best tools for dealing with fraud in all business sectors where it is found – banking, retail, investment funds, insurance and pharmaceuticals.
- Bradley C. Birkenfeld, UBS Whistleblower and author of Lucifer’s Banker
- Alexandru Ene, Partner, Head of Litigation & Compliance, Noerr
- Oana Piticas, Senior Associate, White Collar Crime Practice Coordinator, Noerr
- Iulian Sorescu, Partner, Head of Financial, Tax & State Aid Department, Noerr
- Andrei Copil, Management Consultant, Noerr
- Gabriel Zgunea, CEO, Corporate Intelligence Agency
- Dan Rusu, Senior Partner, Corporate Intelligence Agency
Participation is free, with prior confirmation from the organizer and transmission of the access code.
NOTE: The conference access code will be sent individually on DECEMBER 8, 2020.
Registration conditions: The program and the speakers are subject to change. Should the conference be cancelled due to force majeure, unavailability of the conference venue, speakers being prevented or for other good cause, the organizer reserves the right to cancel the conference.
Data protection and sharing of contact details
The Conference Organizer will collect and store your personal datafor the preparation and execution of the conference as well as to inform you about future projects related to your sector and line of work. Your contact data will only be passed on to partners directly involved in the conference organization process as partners for follow-up purposes. If you have any questions about our privacy policy and the processing of your e-mail and related personal data, do not hesitate to write us at [email protected]


Forumul Roman de Concurență si Antitrust Reboot - Concurența si Transparența in 2020 aduce in dezbatere aspecte legate de conformarea cu legislatia de concurența din Romania prin prisma reglementarilor de trasparentizare a activitatii companiilor si obligațiile noi de raportare.
Reprezentanți ai Consiliului Concurenței din Romania, avocați, consultanți, experți si responsabili de compliance din departamentele de reglementare si antitrust din cadrul companiilor private si asociatiilor profesionale, vor oferi perspectiva experientei proprii si solutii practice la provocarile curente ale respectarii politicilor de concurenta.
Noutatile preconizate a fi adoptate in legislatia de concurenta, modificările aduse de COVID 10 in materia concurenței precum si evolutiile Big Data si Big Tech datorate creșterii digitalizării economiei constituie provocări pentru dreptul concurentei.
Caracteristicile specifice platformelor digitale și implicațiile acestora pentru legislație și politica concurenței precum si reglemetarile de transparentizare a activitații companiilor dau nastere la spețe interesante, facand interacțiunea dintre acesta și alte regimuri de reglementare este o tema de actualitate.
Preocupările Autoritaților de Concurență legate de abuzul de poziție dominantă, protecția consumatorului și confidențialitate, dat fiind controlul semnificativ platformelor digitale asupra datelor si influența asupra pieței, constituie elemente centrale ale politicilor in următorii ani.
Reglementările de Transparență si Concurență intr-o lume imperfect concurențială sunt temele centrale ale ediției 2020 a Forumului de Concurență si Antitrust.
Vă invitam să participați la conferința noastră!
Înscriere: Participarea in audienta este gratuita. Vizitati pagina de inregistrare pentru a primi codul de acces.
Limba de desfasurare si prezentare: română
Condiții de înregistrare: Programul și temele sesiunilor de discutii pot fi modificate. În cazul în care conferința va fi anulată din motive de forță majoră, sau pentru alte motive obiective, organizatorul își rezervă dreptul de a anula conferința. În cazul anulării, toți participanții vor fi informați cu promptitudine.
Protecția datelor și partajarea detaliilor de contact
Organizatorul conferinței va colecta și păstra datele dumneavoastră personale pentru pregătirea și desfășurarea conferinței, precum și pentru a vă informa cu privire la viitoarele proiecte legate de sectorul dumneavoastră și de domeniul de activitate. Datele dvs. de contact vor fi transmise numai partenerilor implicați direct în procesul de organizare a conferinței . Dacă aveți întrebări cu privire la politica noastră de confidențialitate și la procesarea mesajelor dvs. de poștă electronică și a datelor personale aferente, nu ezitați să ne scrieți la [email protected]


How can the real value of sustainability information be unlocked?
Experts and consultants will share knowledge about the roles of government, business and civil society in driving change and developing a new vision for sustainable, equitable growth.
The invited speakers will provide participants with information, case studies and success stories about non-financial reporting and the implementation of sustainability concepts that can form the basis for developing a new competitive business strategy on the market.
Creating a sustainable global economy is a challenge - by engaging stakeholders, creating value and engaging the community - organizations innovate in these and other important areas. The conference takes place at a critical moment, when leaders from different fields can collaborate, can connect and disseminate information useful for future use internally for sustainable business management.
How can a sustainable strategy be built?
COVID crisis affected all the economic sectors and in this hit economic environment many of the company try to strengthen their businesses in many ways. Those who has an organizational culture based on internal cohesion, strategic alliances and partnerships or with strong embedded social responsibility managed will manage the crisis on long term and will remember the crisis as an opportunity for remodeling their business toward societal needs. Others, which had bid difficulties managing their business, will learn from the strongest ones. It is the moment when all of us need to work on lessons learned and to move forward. The life on this planet continue and we are responsible for a sustainable future.
Registration conditions: The program and the speakers are subject to change. Should the conference be cancelled due to force majeure, unavailability of the conference venue, speakers being prevented or for other good cause, the organizer reserves the right to cancel the conference.Data protection and sharing of contact details
The Conference Organizer will collect and store your personal datafor the preparation and execution of the conference as well as to inform you about future projects related to your sector and line of work. Your contact data will only be passed on to partners directly involved in the conference organization process as partners for follow-up purposes. If you have any questions about our privacy policy and the processing of your e-mail and related personal data, do not hesitate to write us at [email protected]


Munca de la distanță a devenit un lucru obișnuit în mediul de lucru de astăzi.
Flexibilizarea relațiilor de muncă si schimbările in legislatia de teleworking si muncă la domiciliu au un impact important asupra siguranței organizației. Riscul introdus în companie de către munca la distanță devine în mod inerent riscul dumneavoastră.
Companiile și angajatii nu sunt izolați de obligațiile de siguranță ale celuilalt, desi activitatea nu se desfasoara in spatiile proprii ale organizatiei. Organizațiile angajatoare vor fi trase la răspundere pentru deciziile pe care le iau cu privire la angajati - inclusiv contractori terți.
Cum gestionați și atenuați acest risc în întreaga organizație?
Alăturați-vă conferintei pe tema “Siguranța Angajaților în Telemuncă și Muncă la Domiciliu” pentru a afla tehnici de abordare proactivă în gestionarea relațiilor cu angajatii, furnizorii și terții. Vom dezbate concepte pentru îmbunătățirea performanței în materie de siguranță și reducerea riscului de accidente pe tot lanțul implicat într-un proiect.
Acestă conferința va oferi perspective privind cerințele și practicile legate de executarea în siguranță a muncii la distanță.
Limba de desfasurare si prezentare: română
Înscriere: Participarea in audienta este gratuita. Vizitati pagina de inregistrare pentru a primi codul de acces.
Condiții de înregistrare: Programul și temele sesiunilor de discutii pot fi modificate. În cazul în care conferința va fi anulată din motive de forță majoră, sau pentru alte motive obiective, organizatorul își rezervă dreptul de a anula conferința. În cazul anulării, toți participanții vor fi informați cu promptitudine.
Protecția datelor și partajarea detaliilor de contact
Organizatorul conferinței va colecta și păstra datele dumneavoastră personale pentru pregătirea și desfășurarea conferinței, precum și pentru a vă informa cu privire la viitoarele proiecte legate de sectorul dumneavoastră și de domeniul de activitate. Datele dvs. de contact vor fi transmise numai partenerilor implicați direct în procesul de organizare a conferinței . Dacă aveți întrebări cu privire la politica noastră de confidențialitate și la procesarea mesajelor dvs. de poștă electronică și a datelor personale aferente, nu ezitați să ne scrieți la [email protected]


Semnatura Electronia eID in Romania - Aspecte Reglementare si Implementare
Lumea se schimbă iar interacțiunile digitale vor deveni norma in relațiile contractuale cu partenerii de afaceri si autoritățile publice.
Adoptarea la scara largă a semnăturilor electronice și a înregistrărilor digitale este un proces cu o relevanță deosebită in actualul context.
Insă, cu fiecare avans legal și tehnic, rămân multe de făcut in implementarea practică din Romania.
Desi odată cu publicarea OUG 38 în vigoare de la 7 aprilie 2020 care conferă o valoare juridică sporită semnăturii electronice, se crează cadrul legislativ pentru accelerarea procesului de interacțiune electronică, rămân multe semne de intrebare in implementarea practică din Romania, generate si de dificultatea de corelare cu prevederile Regulamentului eIDAS.
Vă vom prezenta in cadrul conferinței principiile care ghidează organizațiile guvernamentale, publice și private prin inițiative de transformare digitală și soluții de promovare a semnăturilor electronice la distanță și înregistrărilor electronice sigure și accesibile în Romania.
- Stadiul actual al reglementării și implementării în practica românească și europeană
- Identitatea electronică – Regulamentul eIDAS
- Tipuri de semnătură electronică și efectele lor juridice
- Digital Transformation HUB - Cum se pot implementa procesele de semnare electronica in mai putin de 3 luni calendaristice?
- Cum alege instituția publică tipul de semnătură electronică solicitată?
- Efecte juridice pentru semnături electronice provenind dintr-un stat non-UE
- Evaluarea nivelului de securitate și verificarea informațiilor de identitate electronică
- Automatizarea procesului de semnare electronică
- Fluxuri de semnare și integrarea funcționalitătilor pentru procesarea documentelor
- Opțiuni pentru emiterea certificatelor digitale de semnătură electronică calificată
- Bune practici și aspecte de integrare a semnăturii electronice
- Analiza riscurilor și clasificarea datelor
Înscriere: Participarea in audienta este gratuita. Vizitati pagina de inregistrare pentru a primi codul de acces.
Limba de desfasurare si prezentare: română
Condiții de înregistrare: Programul și temele sesiunilor de discutii pot fi modificate. În cazul în care conferința va fi anulată din motive de forță majoră, sau pentru alte motive obiective, organizatorul își rezervă dreptul de a anula conferința. În cazul anulării, toți participanții vor fi informați cu promptitudine.
Protecția datelor și partajarea detaliilor de contact
Organizatorul conferinței va colecta și păstra datele dumneavoastră personale pentru pregătirea și desfășurarea conferinței, precum și pentru a vă informa cu privire la viitoarele proiecte legate de sectorul dumneavoastră și de domeniul de activitate. Datele dvs. de contact vor fi transmise numai partenerilor implicați direct în procesul de organizare a conferinței . Dacă aveți întrebări cu privire la politica noastră de confidențialitate și la procesarea mesajelor dvs. de poștă electronică și a datelor personale aferente, nu ezitați să ne scrieți la [email protected]




The second annual edition of the Romanian White Collar Crime & Corporate Fraud Conference features presentations on how to identify, detect and manage risks related to fraudulent activities in companies.
Implementing procedures to help companies comply with bribery and tax evasion legislation is a necessary task in 2020, that can ensure efficient control for monitoring and mitigating the risk of fraud.
Our conference will address the latest challenges, threats and developments in fraud prevention and white collar crime to help companies minimize exposure to risk and build effective processes and controls to identify and manage new type of risks in an advanced technological environment.
Language: English and Romanian (with simultaneous translation provided)
Registration: Conference participation fee is 89 € + VAT/ person.
The fee includes the participation in the conference sessions, coffee breaks and lunch, as well as the conference proceedings documents.
All registration fees mentioned above exclude 19% Romanian VAT.
Registration conditions: The program and the speakers are subject to change. Should the conference be cancelled due to force majeure, unavailability of the conference venue, speakers being prevented or for other good cause, the organizer reserves the right to cancel the conference. In case of cancellation all participants will be informed promptly. In this case, all registration fees will be reimbursed.
Payment: Payment can be made by bank transfer prior to the event. Please take into consideration the limited seats availability, therefore we recommend that registrations are made prior to the week of the event.
Registration conditions: The program and the speakers are subject to change. Should the conference be cancelled due to force majeure, unavailability of the conference venue, speakers being prevented or for other good cause, the organizer reserves the right to cancel the conference. In case of cancellation all participants will be informed promptly. In this case, all registration fees will be reimbursed.
Substitution and cancellation policy
After registering for the Event, if you cancel your attendance more than one week prior to the date of the Event, you will receive a full refund of the amount of your payment. If you cancel within one weeks of the date of the Event, you will not be eligible for a refund; however, substitutions can be arranged with no extra cost from within a company or organization. No refunds for no shows. Cancellation requests must be received in writing.
Data protection and sharing of contact details
The Conference Organizer will collect and store your personal datafor the preparation and execution of the conference as well as to inform you about future projects related to your sector and line of work. Your contact data will only be passed on to partners directly involved in the conference organization process as partners for follow-up purposes. If you have any questions about our privacy policy and the processing of your e-mail and related personal data, do not hesitate to write us at [email protected]


How can a sustainable economy be built?
The transposition of the provisions of the Directive 95 of the European Union by the Order no.1938 / 2016 completed by the Order 3456/2018, obliges the companies with over 500 employees that, starting January 1, 2019, to report the non-financial performance data considering data on environmental, social, anti-corruption, etc., by submitting a statement in the administrators report or by developing a sustainability report.
How can the real value of sustainability information be unlocked?
Experts and consultants will share knowledge about the roles of government, business and civil society in driving change and developing a new vision for sustainable, equitable growth.
The invited speakers will provide participants with information, case studies and success stories about non-financial reporting and the implementation of sustainability concepts that can form the basis for developing a new competitive business strategy on the market.
Information is essential - to increase transparency and find solutions to current challenges, complementary to new and increasingly stringent legislative requirements and aligned with new EU strategies. To keep abreast of new trends and developments in the important field is information and exchange of experience.
Risk assessment for business is essential, evaluating and measuring performance on critical segments and aspects essential to the business is imperative in order to identify real opportunities that can increase the competitiveness and success of a business. Consumers need better information to make purchasing decisions. Any business depends on the need and perception of the stakeholders, and sometimes developing a new strategy or even reshaping the business is the key to success.
Creating a sustainable global economy is a challenge - by engaging stakeholders, creating value and engaging the community - organizations innovate in these and other important areas. The conference takes place at a critical moment, when leaders from different fields can collaborate, can connect and disseminate information useful for future use internally for sustainable business management.
Language: English and Romanian (with simultaneous translation provided)
Registration: Conference participation fee is 98 € + VAT/ person.
The fee includes the participation in the conference sessions, coffee breaks and lunch, as well as the conference proceedings documents.
All registration fees mentioned above exclude 19% Romanian VAT. Register online via the registration page on http://govnet.ro
Registration conditions: The program and the speakers are subject to change. Should the conference be cancelled due to force majeure, unavailability of the conference venue, speakers being prevented or for other good cause, the organizer reserves the right to cancel the conference. In case of cancellation all participants will be informed promptly. In this case, all registration fees will be reimbursed.
Substitution and cancellation policy
After registering for the Event, if you cancel your attendance more than one week prior to the date of the Event, you will receive a full refund of the amount of your payment. If you cancel within one weeks of the date of the Event, you will not be eligible for a refund; however, substitutions can be arranged with no extra cost from within a company or organization. No refunds for no shows. Cancellation requests must be received in writing.
Payment: Payment can be made by bank transfer prior to the event. Please take into consideration the limited seats availability, therefore we recommend that registrations are made prior to the week of the event.
Hotel: Exclusively for you we have got a limited number of rooms available at special rates in the InterContinental Hotel Bucharest. In order to accommodate you together with the other participants, please reserve your room by no later than one week before arrival.
Data protection and sharing of contact details
The Conference Organizer will collect and store your personal data for the preparation and execution of the conference as well as to inform you about future projects related to your sector and line of work. Your contact data will only be passed on to partners directly involved in the conference organization process as partners for follow-up purposes.
If you have any questions about our privacy policy and the processing of your e-mail and related personal data, do not hesitate to write us at [email protected]


forum concurenta si antitrust
Această întâlnire dintre specialiști ai Consiliului Concurenței, avocați specializați în dreptul concurenței și compliance din departamentele de reglementare si antitrust din cadrul companiilor private si asociatiilor profesionale, vor oferi perspectiva experientei proprii si solutii practice la provocarile curente ale respectarii politicilor de concurenta.
Limba de desfasurare si prezentare: română.
Înscriere: Taxa de participare la conferință este de 89 EURO + TVA / persoană.
- Taxa include participarea la sesiunile de conferințe, pauzele de cafea și masa de prânz, precum și documentele lucrărilor conferinței.
- Toate taxele de înregistrare menționate mai sus exclud 19% TVA în România.
Condiții de înregistrare: Programul și temele sesiunilor de discutii pot fi modificate. În cazul în care conferința va fi anulată din motive de forță majoră, indisponibilitatea locului de desfășurare a conferinței sau pentru alte motive obiective, organizatorul își rezervă dreptul de a anula conferința. În cazul anulării, toți participanții vor fi informați cu promptitudine. În acest caz, toate taxele de înregistrare vor fi rambursate.
Plata: Plata se poate face prin transfer bancar inainte de eveniment. Luați în considerare disponibilitatea limitată a locurilor si termenul de procesare a plaților, prin urmare vă recomandăm ca înregistrările să fie făcute înainte de săptămâna evenimentului.
Protecția datelor și partajarea detaliilor de contact
Organizatorul conferinței va colecta și păstra datele dumneavoastră personale pentru pregătirea și desfășurarea conferinței, precum și pentru a vă informa cu privire la viitoarele proiecte legate de sectorul dumneavoastră și de domeniul de activitate. Datele dvs. de contact vor fi transmise numai partenerilor implicați direct în procesul de organizare a conferinței . Dacă aveți întrebări cu privire la politica noastră de confidențialitate și la procesarea mesajelor dvs. de poștă electronică și a datelor personale aferente, nu ezitați să ne scrieți la [email protected]


Smart Retail - Implementing innovation to enhance customer journey
We are experiencing a fundamental change in shopping habits. The trend in retail development is moving away from closed traditional malls towards open and community involving formats, blending into neighbourhoods in modern urban developments. New concepts in successful shopping center projects should reflect the living, working and cultural aspects of target consumers.
At this year’s Retail Real Estate Forum on the 17th of October, 2019 in Bucharest, we invite you to debate on the latest retail development strategies and learn about innovation in creating the right shopping environment.
Who will attend:
- Management of shopping centers and retail developers
- Top representatives of the most important retailers active in Romania
- Senior real estate consultants
- Representatives of banks and financial institutions
- Representatives of the authorities regulating the construction sector
- Lending and Credit Managers
- Representatives of project management companies
Language: English and Romanian (with simultaneous translation provided)
Registration: Conference participation fee is 59 € + VAT/ person.
The fee includes the participation in the conference sessions, coffee breaks and lunch, as well as the conference proceedings documents.
All registration fees mentioned above exclude 19% Romanian VAT.
Registration conditions: The program and the speakers are subject to change. Should the conference be cancelled due to force majeure, unavailability of the conference venue, speakers being prevented or for other good cause, the organizer reserves the right to cancel the conference. In case of cancellation all participants will be informed promptly. In this case, all registration fees will be reimbursed.
Payment: Payment can be made by bank transfer prior to the event. Please take into consideration the limited seats availability, therefore we recommend that registrations are made prior to the week of the event.
Registration conditions: The program and the speakers are subject to change. Should the conference be cancelled due to force majeure, unavailability of the conference venue, speakers being prevented or for other good cause, the organizer reserves the right to cancel the conference. In case of cancellation all participants will be informed promptly. In this case, all registration fees will be reimbursed.
Substitution and cancellation policy
After registering for the Event, if you cancel your attendance more than one week prior to the date of the Event, you will receive a full refund of the amount of your payment. If you cancel within one weeks of the date of the Event, you will not be eligible for a refund; however, substitutions can be arranged with no extra cost from within a company or organization. No refunds for no shows. Cancellation requests must be received in writing.
Data protection and sharing of contact details
The Conference Organizer will collect and store your personal datafor the preparation and execution of the conference as well as to inform you about future projects related to your sector and line of work. Your contact data will only be passed on to partners directly involved in the conference organization process as partners for follow-up purposes. If you have any questions about our privacy policy and the processing of your e-mail and related personal data, do not hesitate to write us at [email protected]


The fourth annual edition of the Romanian HSE Management Conference is dedicated to provide a platform of best practice sharing for those developing and integrating strategic safety and health programs within companies.
Join your peers from leading companies, get exposed to new ideas, and learn from industry experts valuable information in your line of work.
The 2019 HSE Management Conference is set to be a must-attend event for everyone across the industry and beyond. It is expected to attract international and local industry specialists, operational and HSE staff, key service providers, government representatives and regulators.
It provides an essential forum for the industry to share knowledge, lessons and expertise and work together to achieve high HSE standards across all of the industry’s activities.
“The future of H&S management through performance and innovation”
Who Should Attend
- Health, safety, and environment specialists
- Health, safety, and environment engineers
- Safety and operations managers
- Compliance officers
- Environmental professionals
- Business development managers
- Other professionals concerned with health, safety, or the environment
Language: English and Romanian (with simultaneous translation provided)
Registration: Conference participation fee is 129 € + VAT/ person.
The fee includes the participation in the conference sessions, coffee breaks and lunch, as well as the conference proceedings documents.
Registration conditions: The program and the speakers are subject to change. Should the conference be cancelled due to force majeure, unavailability of the conference venue, speakers being prevented or for other good cause, the organizer reserves the right to cancel the conference. In case of cancellation all participants will be informed promptly. In this case, all registration fees will be reimbursed.
Substitution and cancellation policy
After registering for the Event, if you cancel your attendance more than one week prior to the date of the Event, you will receive a full refund of the amount of your payment. If you cancel within one weeks of the date of the Event, you will not be eligible for a refund; however, substitutions can be arranged with no extra cost from within a company or organization. No refunds for no shows. Cancellation requests must be received in writing.
Data protection and sharing of contact details
The Conference Organizer will collect and store your personal datafor the preparation and execution of the conference as well as to inform you about future projects related to your sector and line of work. Your contact data will only be passed on to partners directly involved in the conference organization process as partners for follow-up purposes. If you have any questions about our privacy policy and the processing of your e-mail and related personal data, do not hesitate to write us at [email protected]


Conferința RetailTech 2019
Cash Management • Optimizare Procese • Eficientizare Resurse • Technologie
26 martie, 2019 • InterContinental Bucharest Hotel • Sala Fortuna
Acest eveniment se va concentra pe modul în care tehnologia poate contribui la eficientizarea operatiunilor din cadrul magazinelor si a industriei de retail in general.
Folosind tehnologia și echipamente de automatizare a proceselor, activitatea operatională poate fi semnificativ imbunatatită. Evoluția rapidă a tehnologiei in domeniu ofera oportunitati uriașe pentru retaileri prin oferirea de solutii de eficientizare a activitații. Valorificarea avantajelor oferite de noile echipamente, solutii IT si tehnologii inovative, dar și interpretarea cantității masive de date disponibile pot îmbunătăți semnificativ eficiența operațională in activitatea zilnica.
Limba de desfasurare si prezentare: română și engleză, cu traducere simultană.
Înscriere: Taxa de participare la conferință este de 89 Euro + TVA / persoană.
- Taxa include participarea la sesiunile de conferințe, pauzele de cafea și masa de prânz, precum și documentele lucrărilor conferinței.
- Toate taxele de înregistrare menționate mai sus exclud 19% TVA în România.
Condiții de înregistrare: Programul și temele sesiunilor de discutii pot fi modificate. În cazul în care conferința va fi anulată din motive de forță majoră, indisponibilitatea locului de desfășurare a conferinței sau pentru alte motive obiective, organizatorul își rezervă dreptul de a anula conferința. În cazul anulării, toți participanții vor fi informați cu promptitudine. În acest caz, toate taxele de înregistrare vor fi rambursate.
Plata: Plata se poate face prin transfer bancar inainte de eveniment. Luați în considerare disponibilitatea limitată a locurilor si termenul de procesare a plaților, prin urmare vă recomandăm ca înregistrările să fie făcute înainte de săptămâna evenimentului.
Protecția datelor și partajarea detaliilor de contact
Organizatorul conferinței va colecta și păstra datele dumneavoastră personale pentru pregătirea și desfășurarea conferinței, precum și pentru a vă informa cu privire la viitoarele proiecte legate de sectorul dumneavoastră și de domeniul de activitate. Datele dvs. de contact vor fi transmise numai partenerilor implicați direct în procesul de organizare a conferinței . Dacă aveți întrebări cu privire la politica noastră de confidențialitate și la procesarea mesajelor dvs. de poștă electronică și a datelor personale aferente, nu ezitați să ne scrieți la [email protected]


The Romanian White Collar Crime & Corporate Fraud Conference features presentations on how to identify, detect and manage risks related to fraudulent activities in companies.
Implementing procedures to help companies comply with bribery and tax evasion legislation is a necessary task in 2019, that can ensure efficient control for monitoring and mitigating the risk of fraud.
Our conference will address the latest challenges, threats and developments in fraud prevention and white collar crime to help companies minimize exposure to risk and build effective processes and controls to identify and manage new type of risks in an advanced technological environment.
Language: English and Romanian (with simultaneous translation provided)
Registration: Conference participation fee is 89 € + VAT/ person.
The fee includes the participation in the conference sessions, coffee breaks and lunch, as well as the conference proceedings documents.
All registration fees mentioned above exclude 19% Romanian VAT.
Registration conditions: The program and the speakers are subject to change. Should the conference be cancelled due to force majeure, unavailability of the conference venue, speakers being prevented or for other good cause, the organizer reserves the right to cancel the conference. In case of cancellation all participants will be informed promptly. In this case, all registration fees will be reimbursed.
Payment: Payment can be made by bank transfer prior to the event. Please take into consideration the limited seats availability, therefore we recommend that registrations are made prior to the week of the event.
Registration conditions: The program and the speakers are subject to change. Should the conference be cancelled due to force majeure, unavailability of the conference venue, speakers being prevented or for other good cause, the organizer reserves the right to cancel the conference. In case of cancellation all participants will be informed promptly. In this case, all registration fees will be reimbursed.
Substitution and cancellation policy
After registering for the Event, if you cancel your attendance more than one week prior to the date of the Event, you will receive a full refund of the amount of your payment. If you cancel within one weeks of the date of the Event, you will not be eligible for a refund; however, substitutions can be arranged with no extra cost from within a company or organization. No refunds for no shows. Cancellation requests must be received in writing.
Data protection and sharing of contact details
The Conference Organizer will collect and store your personal datafor the preparation and execution of the conference as well as to inform you about future projects related to your sector and line of work. Your contact data will only be passed on to partners directly involved in the conference organization process as partners for follow-up purposes. If you have any questions about our privacy policy and the processing of your e-mail and related personal data, do not hesitate to write us at [email protected]


Conformarea cu Regulile de Concurență pentru Asociațiile Profesionale
Probleme de concurență și antitrust care implică asociații patronale și profesionale
19 Noiembrie, 2018 - Hotel InterContinental Bucuresti, Sala Fortuna Etaj 21
Asociațiile profesionale joacă un rol important în economie, îndeplinind numeroase funcții legitime care promovează competitivitatea industriei în ansamblu, reprezentarea în fața autorităților și contribuie la elaborarea de ghiduri bune practici in sectorul de activitate.
În ciuda acestui aspect, interacțiunea concurenților direcți pune o serie de probleme, ele fiind vulnerabile la depășirea limitelor impuse de legea concurenței.
Legea concurenței interzice și sancționeaza sever, orice expresie sau acorduri tacite între întreprinderi sau asociații de întreprinderi, orice hotărâre de asociere sau orice practici concertate, care duc, printre altele, la fixarea prețurilor, împărțirea clienților sau a piețelor.
Această întâlnire dintre specialiști ai Consiliului Concurenței, avocați specializați în dreptul concurenței și reprezentanți ai asociațiilor profesionale va oferi o imagine a regulilor de conformare, a modelelor de bune practici si minimizare a riscului pe care le puteți implementa atunci când vă gândiți să vă alăturați unei asociații profesionale din industrie și cum să participați la activitățile de asociere.
Înscriere: Taxa de participare la conferință este de 89 EURO + TVA / persoană.
- Taxa include participarea la conferința, pauzele de cafea și coctailul de networking.
- Toate taxele de înregistrare menționate mai sus exclud 19% TVA în România.
Condiții de înregistrare: Programul și temele sesiunilor de discutii pot fi modificate. În cazul în care conferința va fi anulată din motive de forță majoră, indisponibilitatea locului de desfășurare a conferinței sau pentru alte motive obiective, organizatorul își rezervă dreptul de a anula conferința. În cazul anulării, toți participanții vor fi informați cu promptitudine. În acest caz, toate taxele de înregistrare vor fi rambursate.
Plata: Plata se poate face prin transfer bancar inainte de eveniment. Luați în considerare disponibilitatea limitată a locurilor si termenul de procesare a plaților, prin urmare vă recomandăm ca înregistrările să fie făcute înainte de săptămâna evenimentului.
Protecția datelor și partajarea detaliilor de contact
Organizatorul conferinței va colecta și păstra datele dumneavoastră personale pentru pregătirea și desfășurarea conferinței, precum și pentru a vă informa cu privire la viitoarele proiecte legate de sectorul dumneavoastră și de domeniul de activitate. Datele dvs. de contact vor fi transmise numai partenerilor implicați direct în procesul de organizare a conferinței . Dacă aveți întrebări cu privire la politica noastră de confidențialitate și la procesarea mesajelor dvs. de poștă electronică și a datelor personale aferente, nu ezitați să ne scrieți la [email protected]


Conferința Naționala ALB Romania
Asociația Societăților Financiare Editia a XVI-a • 2018
15 Noiembrie, 2018 • JW Marriott Grand Hotel Bucuresti • Sala Grand Ballroom
Membrii industriilor de leasing si credit de consum din cadrul ALB - România, Asociația Societăților Financiare, specialisti din departamentele juridice, financiar-contabile si logistica, reprezentanți ai autorităților, sunt invitati sa participe la editia a XIVI-a a Conferintei Anuale ALB România.
În 15 noiembrie, Hotelul Marriott din Bucuresti va fi locul în care companiile de leasing de consum și de credit de consum vor dezbate împreună cu reprezentanții autorităților, clienților și colaboratorilor oportunitățile și provocările pe termen mediu, precum și viitoarele direcții de dezvoltare ale sectorului instituțiilor financiare nebancare.
Conferința dorește să fie un forum real de discuții între reprezentanții industriei, autoritățile de reglementare și control, precum și întregul lanț de clienți și parteneri implicați în acest segment de activitate.
Limba de desfasurare si prezentare: română și engleză, cu traducere simultană.
Înscriere: Taxa de participare la conferință este de 590 RON + TVA / persoană.
- Taxa include participarea la sesiunile de conferințe, pauzele de cafea și masa de prânz, precum și documentele lucrărilor conferinței.
- Toate taxele de înregistrare menționate mai sus exclud 19% TVA în România.
Condiții de înregistrare: Programul și temele sesiunilor de discutii pot fi modificate. În cazul în care conferința va fi anulată din motive de forță majoră, indisponibilitatea locului de desfășurare a conferinței sau pentru alte motive obiective, organizatorul își rezervă dreptul de a anula conferința. În cazul anulării, toți participanții vor fi informați cu promptitudine. În acest caz, toate taxele de înregistrare vor fi rambursate.
Plata: Plata se poate face prin transfer bancar inainte de eveniment. Luați în considerare disponibilitatea limitată a locurilor si termenul de procesare a plaților, prin urmare vă recomandăm ca înregistrările să fie făcute înainte de săptămâna evenimentului.
Protecția datelor și partajarea detaliilor de contact
Organizatorul conferinței va colecta și păstra datele dumneavoastră personale pentru pregătirea și desfășurarea conferinței, precum și pentru a vă informa cu privire la viitoarele proiecte legate de sectorul dumneavoastră și de domeniul de activitate. Datele dvs. de contact vor fi transmise numai partenerilor implicați direct în procesul de organizare a conferinței . Dacă aveți întrebări cu privire la politica noastră de confidențialitate și la procesarea mesajelor dvs. de poștă electronică și a datelor personale aferente, nu ezitați să ne scrieți la [email protected]


The second annual edition of the Romanian HSE Management Conference is dedicated to provide a platform of best practice sharing for those developing and integrating strategic safety and health programs within companies.
Join your peers from leading companies, get exposed to new ideas, and learn from industry experts valuable information in your line of work.
The 2018 HSE Management Conference is set to be a must-attend event for everyone across the industry and beyond. It is expected to attract international and local industry specialists, operational and HSE staff, key service providers, government representatives and regulators.
It provides an essential forum for the industry to share knowledge, lessons and expertise and work together to achieve high HSE standards across all of the industry’s activities.
“The future of H&S management through performance and innovation”
Who Should Attend
- Health, safety, and environment specialists
- Health, safety, and environment engineers
- Safety and operations managers
- Compliance officers
- Environmental professionals
- Business development managers
- Other professionals concerned with health, safety, or the environment
Language: English and Romanian (with simultaneous translation provided)
Registration: Conference participation fee is 129 € + VAT/ person.
The fee includes the participation in the conference sessions, coffee breaks and lunch, as well as the conference proceedings documents.
Registration conditions: The program and the speakers are subject to change. Should the conference be cancelled due to force majeure, unavailability of the conference venue, speakers being prevented or for other good cause, the organizer reserves the right to cancel the conference. In case of cancellation all participants will be informed promptly. In this case, all registration fees will be reimbursed.
Substitution and cancellation policy
After registering for the Event, if you cancel your attendance more than one week prior to the date of the Event, you will receive a full refund of the amount of your payment. If you cancel within one weeks of the date of the Event, you will not be eligible for a refund; however, substitutions can be arranged with no extra cost from within a company or organization. No refunds for no shows. Cancellation requests must be received in writing.
Data protection and sharing of contact details
The Conference Organizer will collect and store your personal datafor the preparation and execution of the conference as well as to inform you about future projects related to your sector and line of work. Your contact data will only be passed on to partners directly involved in the conference organization process as partners for follow-up purposes. If you have any questions about our privacy policy and the processing of your e-mail and related personal data, do not hesitate to write us at [email protected]


This is a senior-level event, attracting the industry leaders in an interactive conference that allows to share thoughts on the best strategies and innovative products for growing the sector.
Who will attend:
- Management representatives of courier and postal services companies
- Major clients for the courier service industry
- Representatives of authorities regulating the postal services in Romania
- Representatives of banks, card issuers, payment service providers, leasing and financial institutions
Registration: Conference participation fee is 98 € + VAT/ person.
The fee includes the participation in the conference sessions, coffee breaks and lunch, as well as the conference proceedings documents.
All registration fees mentioned above exclude 19% Romanian VAT. Register online via the registration page on http://govnet.ro
Registration conditions: The program and the speakers are subject to change. Should the conference be cancelled due to force majeure, unavailability of the conference venue, speakers being prevented or for other good cause, the organizer reserves the right to cancel the conference. In case of cancellation all participants will be informed promptly. In this case, all registration fees will be reimbursed.
Substitution and cancellation policy
After registering for the Event, if you cancel your attendance more than one week prior to the date of the Event, you will receive a full refund of the amount of your payment. If you cancel within one weeks of the date of the Event, you will not be eligible for a refund; however, substitutions can be arranged with no extra cost from within a company or organization. No refunds for no shows. Cancellation requests must be received in writing.
Payment: Payment can be made by bank transfer prior to the event. Please take into consideration the limited seats availability, therefore we recommend that registrations are made prior to the week of the event.Hotel: Exclusively for you we have got a limited number of rooms available at special rates in the InterContinental Hotel Bucharest. In order to accommodate you together with the other participants, please reserve your room by no later than one week before arrival.
Data protection and sharing of contact details
The Conference Organizer will collect and store your personal data for the preparation and execution of the conference as well as to inform you about future projects related to your sector and line of work. Your contact data will only be passed on to partners directly involved in the conference organization process as partners for follow-up purposes.
If you have any questions about our privacy policy and the processing of your e-mail and related personal data, do not hesitate to write us at [email protected]


The Romanian 2018 Health @ Work Conference will provide a platform of best practice sharing for those developing and integrating health and wellbeing programs within companies.
The conference is targeting healthcare professionals, HSE and human resource managers, invited to exchange knowledge, learn, network and share best practice experience and innovative solutions for occupational health programs implementation.
Join your peers from leading companies, get exposed to new ideas, and learn from industry experts valuable information in your line of work.
Language: English and Romanian (with simultaneous translation provided)
Registration conditions: The program and the speakers are subject to change. Should the conference be cancelled due to force majeure, unavailability of the conference venue, speakers being prevented or for other good cause, the organizer reserves the right to cancel the conference. In case of cancellation all participants will be informed promptly. In this case, all registration fees will be reimbursed.
Payment: Payment can be made by bank transfer prior to the event. Please take into consideration the limited seats availability, therefore we recommend that registrations are made prior to the week of the event.
Hotel: Exclusively for you we have got a limited number of rooms available at special rates in the InterContinental Hotel Bucharest. In order to accommodate you together with the other participants, please reserve your room by no later than one week before arrival.
Registration conditions: The program and the speakers are subject to change. Should the conference be cancelled due to force majeure, unavailability of the conference venue, speakers being prevented or for other good cause, the organizer reserves the right to cancel the conference. In case of cancellation all participants will be informed promptly. In this case, all registration fees will be reimbursed.


Conferința Naționala ALB Romania
Asociația Societăților Financiare Editia a XIII-a • 2017
21 Noiembrie, 2017 • InterContinental Bucuresti • Sala Ronda
Membrii industriilor de leasing si credit de consum din cadrul ALB - România, Asociația Societăților Financiare, specialisti din departamentele juridice, financiar-contabile si logistica, reprezentanți ai autorităților, sunt invitati sa participe la editia a XIII-a a Conferintei Anuale ALB România.
În 21 noiembrie, InterContinental Hotel sala Ronda va fi locul în care companiile de leasing de consum și de credit de consum vor dezbate împreună cu reprezentanții autorităților, clienților și colaboratorilor oportunitățile și provocările pe termen mediu, precum și viitoarele direcții de dezvoltare ale sectorului instituțiilor financiare nebancare.
Conferința dorește să fie un forum real de discuții între reprezentanții industriei, autoritățile de reglementare și control, precum și întregul lanț de clienți și parteneri implicați în acest segment de activitate.
Limba de desfasurare si prezentare: română și engleză, cu traducere simultană.
Înscriere: Taxa de participare la conferință este de 590 RON + TVA / persoană.
- Taxa include participarea la sesiunile de conferințe, pauzele de cafea și masa de prânz, precum și documentele lucrărilor conferinței.
- Toate taxele de înregistrare menționate mai sus exclud 19% TVA în România.
Condiții de înregistrare: Programul și temele sesiunilor de discutii pot fi modificate. În cazul în care conferința va fi anulată din motive de forță majoră, indisponibilitatea locului de desfășurare a conferinței sau pentru alte motive obiective, organizatorul își rezervă dreptul de a anula conferința. În cazul anulării, toți participanții vor fi informați cu promptitudine. În acest caz, toate taxele de înregistrare vor fi rambursate.
Plata: Plata se poate face prin transfer bancar inainte de eveniment. Luați în considerare disponibilitatea limitată a locurilor si termenul de procesare a plaților, prin urmare vă recomandăm ca înregistrările să fie făcute înainte de săptămâna evenimentului.
Protecția datelor și partajarea detaliilor de contact
Organizatorul conferinței va colecta și păstra datele dumneavoastră personale pentru pregătirea și desfășurarea conferinței, precum și pentru a vă informa cu privire la viitoarele proiecte legate de sectorul dumneavoastră și de domeniul de activitate. Datele dvs. de contact vor fi transmise numai partenerilor implicați direct în procesul de organizare a conferinței . Dacă aveți întrebări cu privire la politica noastră de confidențialitate și la procesarea mesajelor dvs. de poștă electronică și a datelor personale aferente, nu ezitați să ne scrieți la [email protected]


The New Age of Retail - Retail Real Estate Forum 2017
With the ever changing consumer habits and challenging market environment, shopping centers and retailers need to work creatively to make consumers to open their wallets. We are currently experiencing a fundamental change in shopping habits.
The trend in retail development is moving away from closed traditional malls towards open and community involving formats, blending into neighborhoods in modern urban developments. New concepts in successful shopping center projects should reflect the living, working and cultural aspects of target consumers.
Join representatives of shopping centers, developers, retailers, real estate consultants, project managers and industry professionals to openly debate on the new retail development trends.
Who will attend:
- Management of shopping centers and retail developers
- Top representatives of the most important retailers active in Romania
- Senior real estate consultants
- Representatives of banks and financial institutions
- Representatives of the authorities regulating the construction sector
- Lending and Credit Managers
- Representatives of project management companies
Language: English and Romanian (with simultaneous translation provided)
Registration: Conference participation fee is 89 € + VAT/ person.
The fee includes the participation in the conference sessions, coffee breaks and lunch, as well as the conference proceedings documents.
All registration fees mentioned above exclude 19% Romanian VAT.
Registration conditions: The program and the speakers are subject to change. Should the conference be cancelled due to force majeure, unavailability of the conference venue, speakers being prevented or for other good cause, the organizer reserves the right to cancel the conference. In case of cancellation all participants will be informed promptly. In this case, all registration fees will be reimbursed.
Payment: Payment can be made by bank transfer prior to the event. Please take into consideration the limited seats availability, therefore we recommend that registrations are made prior to the week of the event.
Registration conditions: The program and the speakers are subject to change. Should the conference be cancelled due to force majeure, unavailability of the conference venue, speakers being prevented or for other good cause, the organizer reserves the right to cancel the conference. In case of cancellation all participants will be informed promptly. In this case, all registration fees will be reimbursed.
Substitution and cancellation policy
After registering for the Event, if you cancel your attendance more than one week prior to the date of the Event, you will receive a full refund of the amount of your payment. If you cancel within one weeks of the date of the Event, you will not be eligible for a refund; however, substitutions can be arranged with no extra cost from within a company or organization. No refunds for no shows. Cancellation requests must be received in writing.
Data protection and sharing of contact details
The Conference Organizer will collect and store your personal datafor the preparation and execution of the conference as well as to inform you about future projects related to your sector and line of work. Your contact data will only be passed on to partners directly involved in the conference organization process as partners for follow-up purposes. If you have any questions about our privacy policy and the processing of your e-mail and related personal data, do not hesitate to write us at [email protected]


The second annual edition of the Romanian HSE Management Conference is dedicated to provide a platform of best practice sharing for those developing and integrating strategic safety and health programs within companies.
Join your peers from leading companies, get exposed to new ideas, and learn from industry experts valuable information in your line of work.
The 2017 HSE Management Conference is set to be a must-attend event for everyone across the industry and beyond. It is expected to attract international and local industry specialists, operational and HSE staff, key service providers, government representatives and regulators.
It provides an essential forum for the industry to share knowledge, lessons and expertise and work together to achieve high HSE standards across all of the industry’s activities.
“The future of H&S management through performance and innovation”
Who Should Attend
- Health, safety, and environment specialists
- Health, safety, and environment engineers
- Safety and operations managers
- Compliance officers
- Environmental professionals
- Business development managers
- Other professionals concerned with health, safety, or the environment


The Romanian Environmental Compliance Policies Conference 2017 is aimed to be a source of updates and practical know-how on environmental legislation from renowned experts and authorities, focused on key challenges and solutions to compliance aspects in this country.
Romanian Environmental Compliance Policies Conference 2017 - March 15, - Hotel InterContinental BucharestTarget group: Local and International experts from legal departments, compliance managers, top level executives in a number of industrial sectors, oil&gas, cement, manufacturing as well as Romanian authorities supervising and regulating the field.
Language: English and Romanian (with simultaneous translation provided)
Registration: Conference participation fee is 98 € + VAT/ person.
Registration conditions: The program and the speakers are subject to change. Should the conference be cancelled due to force majeure, unavailability of the conference venue, speakers being prevented or for other good cause, the organizer reserves the right to cancel the conference. In case of cancellation all participants will be informed promptly. In this case, all registration fees will be reimbursed.
Payment: Payment can be made by bank transfer prior to the event. Please take into consideration the limited seats availability, therefore we recommend that registrations are made prior to the week of the event.
Hotel: Exclusively for you we have got a limited number of rooms available at special rates in the InterContinental Hotel Bucharest. In order to accommodate you together with the other participants, please reserve your room by no later than one week before arrival.
Data protection and sharing of contact details
The Conference Organizer will collect and store your personal data for the preparation and execution of the conference as well as to inform you about future projects related to your sector and line of work. Your contact data will only be passed on to partners directly involved in the conference organization process as partners for follow-up purposes.
If you have any questions about our privacy policy and the processing of your e-mail and related personal data, do not hesitate to write us at [email protected]


Govnet Conferences is organizing another exclusive Power Breakfast on State Aid, which will focus on practical aspects regarding the implementation of State Aid Schemes in Romania.
It is a great opportunity to get an overview and learn more about financing investments from non-reimbursable funds. Compared to the past, 2017 brings funding opportunities for SMEs investment projects of more than EUR 1 million.Your company can benefit from up to 70% cash reimbursement of such investments. In addition, the projects of more than EUR 10 million investment in assets are financed, as in the past, with up to 50% of the investment value, while labour intensive project creating at least 10 new working places can benefit from 50% of the salary costs for 2 consecutive years. The total budget of EUR 1.7 billion (EUR 925 million for scheme related to investment in assets , EUR 600 mil for salary costs and EUR 200 mil for SMEs projects) seems to be generous to that the chances to get non-reimbursable money for your projects is quite high.
You have a great opportunity to find more about financing of investments from non-reimbursable funds directly from the people involved in the process: state aid representatives, representatives of companies that already benefited from state aid and consultants that assisted investment projects in the past.
Why now?
Because it a time when the new Government is establishing priorities for the future period and setting-up a timeframe for opening of the state aid schemes.
Presentation Topics:
- State Aid scheme for financing investments in assets (GD 807/2014)
- State Aid scheme for financing salary costs (GD 332/2014)
- ScaleUp – state aid for SMEs (GD 937/2016)
- Summary and application calendar for the current state aid schemes
- Application process: pre-qualification, preparation of business plan and business model, commitments
- Technicalities for the implementation of the state aid scheme
- Case Study - practical issues from beneficiaries of state aid financing


Join experts, authorities, consultants, HSE managers and environmental specialists, title holders and companies from the oil and gas industry in a conference that will help organizations understand the requirements and the pathways to avoid Environmental Hazards.
In June 2016 the Offshore Safety Directive Regulations were approved by the Romanian Parliament, implementing the requirements of EU Directive 2013/30/EU. The Directive aims to minimize the risk of accidents and limit their consequences for offshore oil and gas operations. The translation of the Offshore Safety Directive (Directive 2013/30/EU) into national law requires Romania to put in place a regulatory framework to help prevent accidents as well as to respond promptly and efficiently in case such accidents occur in an offshore oil or gas installation.
Considering the very high rate of industrialisation in the European Union the Seveso Directive has contributed to achieving a low frequency of major accidents. The Directive is widely considered as a benchmark for industrial accident policy and has been a role model for legislation in many countries worldwide. Major industrial accidents involving dangerous chemicals pose a significant threat to humans and the environment.
To minimise the associated risks, measures are necessary to prevent major accidents and to ensure appropriate preparedness and response should such accidents nevertheless happen. An outline of Seveso III Directive changes will be presented with transposition aspects to local legislation.
Language: English and Romanian (with simultaneous translation provided)
Registration: Conference participation fee is 149 € + VAT/ person.
The fee includes the participation in the conference sessions, coffee breaks and lunch, as well as the conference proceedings documents.
All registration fees mentioned above exclude 20% Romanian VAT.
Registration conditions: The program and the speakers are subject to change. Should the conference be cancelled due to force majeure, unavailability of the conference venue, speakers being prevented or for other good cause, the organizer reserves the right to cancel the conference. In case of cancellation all participants will be informed promptly. In this case, all registration fees will be reimbursed.
Substitution and cancellation policy
After registering for the Event, if you cancel your attendance more than one week prior to the date of the Event, you will receive a full refund of the amount of your payment. If you cancel within one weeks of the date of the Event, you will not be eligible for a refund; however, substitutions can be arranged with no extra cost from within a company or organization. No refunds for no shows. Cancellation requests must be received in writing.
Data protection and sharing of contact details
The Conference Organizer will collect and store your personal datafor the preparation and execution of the conference as well as to inform you about future projects related to your sector and line of work. Your contact data will only be passed on to partners directly involved in the conference organization process as partners for follow-up purposes. If you have any questions about our privacy policy and the processing of your e-mail and related personal data, do not hesitate to write us at [email protected]


Join us at the third annual edition of the most important event in Romania dedicated to energy efficiency and sustainable energy program development!
The oportunities and challenges of implementing energy efficiency programs as the next step in Romania’s energy strategy will be debated in the largest conference dedicated to this sector in Romania, the Romanian Energy Efficiency Forum 2015, organised by the Romanian Association for Promoting Energy Efficiency and GOVNET Conferences.
The Romanian Energy Efficiency Forum 2016 is a perfect networking platform that will create new ventures and investment opportunities in the area of sustainable and energy efficient program development in a crucial moment for the implementation of the 2012/27/EU Directive to Energy Efficiency.
The Forum speakers will provide the latest information to help your company adapt and comply to the Directive requirements - it will also involve you in the debate that shapes the future directions of Romania's energy markets and energy services development.
The event is created to generate business ventures and present the investment opportunities in Romania's energy efficiency programs as well as to connect government representatives and regulatory authorities with private companies.
Romanian Energy Efficiency Forum 2016 - October 13, 2016 - Hotel InterContinental Bucharest
Target group: Local and International experts from the energy industry and Romanian authorities supervising and regulating the field.
Language: English and Romanian (with simultaneous translation provided)
Registration: Conference participation fee is 149 € + VAT/ person.
The fee includes the participation in the conference sessions, coffee breaks and lunch, as well as the conference proceedings documents.
All registration fees mentioned above exclude 24% Romanian VAT.
Registration conditions: The program and the speakers are subject to change. Should the conference be cancelled due to force majeure, unavailability of the conference venue, speakers being prevented or for other good cause, the organizer reserves the right to cancel the conference. In case of cancellation all participants will be informed promptly. In this case, all registration fees will be reimbursed.
Payment: Payment can be made by bank transfer prior to the event. Please take into consideration the limited seats availability, therefore we recommend that registrations are made prior to the week of the event.
Hotel: Exclusively for you we have got a limited number of rooms available at special rates in the InterContinental Hotel Bucharest. In order to accommodate you together with the other participants, please reserve your room by no later than one week before arrival.
Registration conditions: The program and the speakers are subject to change. Should the conference be cancelled due to force majeure, unavailability of the conference venue, speakers being prevented or for other good cause, the organizer reserves the right to cancel the conference. In case of cancellation all participants will be informed promptly. In this case, all registration fees will be reimbursed.
Substitution and cancellation policy
After registering for the Event, if you cancel your attendance more than one week prior to the date of the Event, you will receive a full refund of the amount of your payment. If you cancel within one weeks of the date of the Event, you will not be eligible for a refund; however, substitutions can be arranged with no extra cost from within a company or organization. No refunds for no shows. Cancellation requests must be received in writing.
Data protection and sharing of contact details
The Conference Organizer will collect and store your personal datafor the preparation and execution of the conference as well as to inform you about future projects related to your sector and line of work. Your contact data will only be passed on to partners directly involved in the conference organization process as partners for follow-up purposes. If you have any questions about our privacy policy and the processing of your e-mail and related personal data, do not hesitate to write us at [email protected]


The Romanian 2016 HSE Management Conference is dedicated to provide a platform of best practice sharing for those developing and integrating strategic safety and health programs within companies.
The conference organized on June 14 in Bucharest is aimed to be a discussion and networking place for HSE professionals and experts to exchange knowledge, learn, and network. The event brings together industry, government, and academia to share best practices and innovative solutions to be compliant with the rules and regulations.
Join your peers from leading companies, get exposed to new ideas, and learn from industry experts valuable information in your line of work.
The 2016 HSE Management Conference is set to be a must-attend event for everyone across the industry and beyond. It is expected to attract international and local industry specialists, operational and HSE staff, key service providers, government representatives and regulators.
It provides an essential forum for the industry to share knowledge, lessons and expertise and work together to achieve high HSE standards across all of the industry’s activities.
“The future of H&S management through performance and innovation”
Who Should Attend
- Health, safety, and environment specialists
- Health, safety, and environment engineers
- Safety and operations managers
- Compliance officers
- Environmental professionals
- Business development managers
- Other professionals concerned with health, safety, or the environment
Language: English and Romanian (with simultaneous translation provided)
Registration: Conference participation fee is 149 € + VAT/ person.
The fee includes the participation in the conference sessions, coffee breaks and lunch, as well as the conference proceedings documents.
Registration conditions: The program and the speakers are subject to change. Should the conference be cancelled due to force majeure, unavailability of the conference venue, speakers being prevented or for other good cause, the organizer reserves the right to cancel the conference. In case of cancellation all participants will be informed promptly. In this case, all registration fees will be reimbursed.
Substitution and cancellation policy
After registering for the Event, if you cancel your attendance more than one week prior to the date of the Event, you will receive a full refund of the amount of your payment. If you cancel within one weeks of the date of the Event, you will not be eligible for a refund; however, substitutions can be arranged with no extra cost from within a company or organization. No refunds for no shows. Cancellation requests must be received in writing.
Data protection and sharing of contact details
The Conference Organizer will collect and store your personal datafor the preparation and execution of the conference as well as to inform you about future projects related to your sector and line of work. Your contact data will only be passed on to partners directly involved in the conference organization process as partners for follow-up purposes. If you have any questions about our privacy policy and the processing of your e-mail and related personal data, do not hesitate to write us at [email protected]


Provocarile oferite de liberalizarea pietei de energie precum si reglementarile privind transportul si distributia energiei electrice vor fi temele centrale de dezbatere in cadrul conferintei “Accesul la Retea - Forumul Operatorilor de Retea si Furnizorilor de Energie Electrica ” organizat de Govnet Conferences impreuna cu Asociatia Furnizorilor de Energie Electrica din Romania AFEER si CEZ.
Participantii din segmentul operatorilor de retea si furnizorilor de energie vor avea oportunitatea de a prezenta aspecte de reglementare si operare a retelelor electrice de transport si distributie, asigurarea unor conditii echitabile tuturor participantilor la piata de energie electrica precum si o analiza a situatiei actuale a impactului liberalizarii pietei asupra consumatorilor casnici.
Limba de desfasurare si prezentare: Romana si engleza, cu traducere simultana
Registration: Conference participation fee is 98 € + VAT/ person.
The fee includes the participation in the conference sessions, coffee breaks and lunch, as well as the conference proceedings documents.
All registration fees mentioned above exclude 20% Romanian VAT.
Registration conditions: The program and the speakers are subject to change. Should the conference be cancelled due to force majeure, unavailability of the conference venue, speakers being prevented or for other good cause, the organizer reserves the right to cancel the conference. In case of cancellation all participants will be informed promptly. In this case, all registration fees will be reimbursed.
Payment: Payment can be made by bank transfer prior to the event. Please take into consideration the limited seats availability, therefore we recommend that registrations are made prior to the week of the event.
Hotel: Exclusively for you we have got a limited number of rooms available at special rates in the InterContinental Hotel Bucharest. In order to accommodate you together with the other participants, please reserve your room by no later than one week before arrival.


Implementing energy efficiency solutions as a key-element for the sustainable development of modern Romania represents an obligation undertaken and implemented by applying the provisions of the 2012/27/EU Directive.
The development of energy efficiency projects in the field of lighting and the means by which modern solutions can help public institutions or private companies streamline costs will be debated by energy experts, government authority representatives and private sector executives at the 2016 edition of the Romanian Lighting Industry Forum.
We are looking forward to meeting you at the most important conference dedicated to present solutions for energy efficiency in lighting, to discuss challenges and opportunities of developing and implementing programmes forsustainamble energy use.
Language: English and Romanian (with simultaneous translation provided)
Registration: Conference participation fee is 98 € + VAT/ person.
The fee includes the participation in the conference sessions, coffee breaks and lunch, as well as the conference proceedings documents.
All registration fees mentioned above exclude 20% Romanian VAT.
Registration conditions: The program and the speakers are subject to change. Should the conference be cancelled due to force majeure, unavailability of the conference venue, speakers being prevented or for other good cause, the organizer reserves the right to cancel the conference. In case of cancellation all participants will be informed promptly. In this case, all registration fees will be reimbursed.
Payment: Payment can be made by bank transfer prior to the event. Please take into consideration the limited seats availability, therefore we recommend that registrations are made prior to the week of the event.
Hotel: Exclusively for you we have got a limited number of rooms available at special rates in the InterContinental Hotel Bucharest. In order to accommodate you together with the other participants, please reserve your room by no later than one week before arrival.


The Courier & Postal Services Forum 2016 aims to bring together representatives of courier and postal services companies to meet up with authorities, e-commerce community, clients, banks and payment service providers, equipment and other related businesses to exchange and share their experiences and research about the sector.
This will be a senior-level event, attracting the industry leaders in an interactive conference that allows to share thoughts on the best strategies and innovative products for growing your business.
Who will attend:
- Management representatives of courier and postal services companies
- Major clients for the courier service industry - Banks, e-commerce, Energy utilities, Medical, Telecom
- Representatives of authorities regulating the postal services in Romania
- Representatives of banks, card issuers, payment service providers, leasing and financial institutions
Registration: Conference participation fee is 98 € + VAT/ person.
The fee includes the participation in the conference sessions, coffee breaks and lunch, as well as the conference proceedings documents.
All registration fees mentioned above exclude 24% Romanian VAT. Register online via the registration page on http://govnet.ro
Registration conditions: The program and the speakers are subject to change. Should the conference be cancelled due to force majeure, unavailability of the conference venue, speakers being prevented or for other good cause, the organizer reserves the right to cancel the conference. In case of cancellation all participants will be informed promptly. In this case, all registration fees will be reimbursed.
Substitution and cancellation policy
After registering for the Event, if you cancel your attendance more than one week prior to the date of the Event, you will receive a full refund of the amount of your payment. If you cancel within one weeks of the date of the Event, you will not be eligible for a refund; however, substitutions can be arranged with no extra cost from within a company or organization. No refunds for no shows. Cancellation requests must be received in writing.
Payment: Payment can be made by bank transfer prior to the event. Please take into consideration the limited seats availability, therefore we recommend that registrations are made prior to the week of the event.Hotel: Exclusively for you we have got a limited number of rooms available at special rates in the InterContinental Hotel Bucharest. In order to accommodate you together with the other participants, please reserve your room by no later than one week before arrival.
Data protection and sharing of contact details
The Conference Organizer will collect and store your personal data for the preparation and execution of the conference as well as to inform you about future projects related to your sector and line of work. Your contact data will only be passed on to partners directly involved in the conference organization process as partners for follow-up purposes.
If you have any questions about our privacy policy and the processing of your e-mail and related personal data, do not hesitate to write us at [email protected]


AON, Noerr and Wolf Theiss organize a business breakfast seminar in Romania on March 15th with focus on Warranty & Indemnity.
Renowned representatives of the local and international teams of the organizing firms (AON, Noerr, Wolf Theiss) have already confirmed their participation as speakers.
The Warranty & Indemnity Breakfast Seminar aims to offer all participants practice & business driven presentations and roundtable discussions, focused on transactional risks insurance (warranty & indemnity insurance, tax indemnity insurance, litigation buyout, environmental and other contingent risk transfer insurance, etc.).
For more information please view the detailed online agenda! The seminar will be held in English language!
Participation is free of charge.
Registration: Please note that the number of seats is limited. |


The Romanian Environmental Compliance Conference 2016 is aimed to be a source of updates and practical know-how on environmental legislation from renowned experts and authorities, focused on key challenges and solutions to compliance aspects in this country.
Romanian Environmental Compliance Conference 2016 - February 11, 2016 - Hotel InterContinental BucharestTarget group: Local and International experts from legal departments, compliance managers, top level executives in a number of industrial sectors, oil&gas, cement, manufacturing as well as Romanian authorities supervising and regulating the field.
Language: English and Romanian (with simultaneous translation provided)
Registration: Conference participation fee is 149 € + VAT/ person.
The fee includes the participation in the conference sessions, coffee breaks and lunch, as well as the conference proceedings documents.
All registration fees mentioned above exclude 24% Romanian VAT. Register online via the registration page on http://govnet.ro
Registration conditions: The program and the speakers are subject to change. Should the conference be cancelled due to force majeure, unavailability of the conference venue, speakers being prevented or for other good cause, the organizer reserves the right to cancel the conference. In case of cancellation all participants will be informed promptly. In this case, all registration fees will be reimbursed.
Payment: Payment can be made by bank transfer prior to the event. Please take into consideration the limited seats availability, therefore we recommend that registrations are made prior to the week of the event.
Hotel: Exclusively for you we have got a limited number of rooms available at special rates in the InterContinental Hotel Bucharest. In order to accommodate you together with the other participants, please reserve your room by no later than one week before arrival.


We have the pleasure to invite you to another exclusive power breakfast with focus on practical aspects regarding the New State Aid Schemes for 2014 - 2020 in Romania.
Especially now, when companies are in the middle of the budgeting process for the next year, it is a great opportunity to get an overview on this incentive and learn more about financing investments on non-reimbursable funds. Your company can benefit from up to 50% cash reimbursement of its investment in assets or of the salary costs for 2 consecutive years, if it intends either to invest more than EUR 10 million in assets or to create more than 10 new working places. The total budget to be allocated for such projects is of EUR 1.2 billion (EUR 600 million for each of the two schemes) and the applications will be treated on a first-in-first-out basis.
Join this event to get an overview on this incentive and to discuss with experts about the implementation of successful investments in Romania, practical issues and solutions. It is now, after one year since the Romanian Government has laid the cornerstone of the new state aid schemes for the period 2014-2020, the best opportunity for learning more about this financing tool. Since 2009, State Aid proved to be an effective financing tool for investment projects, as emphasized by approximately 70 beneficiaries until now, which generated more than 20.000 new workplaces.
Presentation Topics:
- Summary and financial statistics of the past state aid schemes
- State Aid scheme for financing investments in assets (GD 807/2014)
- State Aid scheme for financing salary costs (GD 332/2014)
- Application Process: pre-qualification, preparation of business plan and business model, commitments
- Technicalities for the implementation of the state aid scheme
- Success stories


Join us at the second annual edition of the most important event in Romania dedicated to energy efficiency and sustainable energy program development!
The oportunities and challenges of implementing energy efficiency programs as the next step in Romania’s energy strategy will be debated in the largest conference dedicated to this sector in Romania, the Romanian Energy Efficiency Forum 2015, organised by the Romanian Association for Promoting Energy Efficiency and GOVNET Conferences.
The Romanian Energy Efficiency Forum 2015 is a perfect networking platform that will create new ventures and investment opportunities in the area of sustainable and energy efficient program development in a crucial moment for the implementation of the 2012/27/EU Directive to Energy Efficiency.
The Forum speakers will provide the latest information to help your company adapt and comply to the Directive requirements - it will also involve you in the debate that shapes the future directions of Romania's energy markets and energy services development.
The event is created to generate business ventures and present the investment opportunities in Romania's energy efficiency programs as well as to connect government representatives and regulatory authorities with private companies.
Romanian Energy Efficiency Forum 2015 - October 8, 2015 - Hotel InterContinental Bucharest
Target group: Local and International experts from the energy industry and Romanian authorities supervising and regulating the field.
Language: English and Romanian (with simultaneous translation provided)
Registration: Conference participation fee is 149 € + VAT/ person.
The fee includes the participation in the conference sessions, coffee breaks and lunch, as well as the conference proceedings documents.
All registration fees mentioned above exclude 24% Romanian VAT.
Registration conditions: The program and the speakers are subject to change. Should the conference be cancelled due to force majeure, unavailability of the conference venue, speakers being prevented or for other good cause, the organizer reserves the right to cancel the conference. In case of cancellation all participants will be informed promptly. In this case, all registration fees will be reimbursed.
Payment: Payment can be made by bank transfer prior to the event. Please take into consideration the limited seats availability, therefore we recommend that registrations are made prior to the week of the event.
Hotel: Exclusively for you we have got a limited number of rooms available at special rates in the InterContinental Hotel Bucharest. In order to accommodate you together with the other participants, please reserve your room by no later than one week before arrival.


The considerable development potential of Biomass & Cogeneration energy in Romania will be debated at the Biomass, Biogas and Cogeneration - Romania 2015 National Conference, that will take place on June 11, 2015 in Bucharest, organised by ARPEE and Govnet Conferences together with .
Balancing power capacities are necessary in Romania, due to the fast growing wind and PV energy sectors, with Biomass power generation being one of the welcomed alternatives.
Over 150 delegates, representing the most important investors and plant operators in Biomass and Biogas are expected to attend this high level B2B conference that focused on local opportunities and challenges for the development of the Romanian energy sector, international co-operation in biomass projects, and project finance for bio-energy development in the country.
The conference is addressed to biomass producers, energy companies, owners of cogeneration facilities as well as other parties already involved or interested in the development of the sector in Romania.
Biomass and Cogeneration - Romania 2015 National Conference and Networking Fair - June 11,2015 in Bucharest
Who will attend:
- Romanian authorities regulating the energy sector
- Representatives of local authorities - City Mayors, Heads off local Councils, representatives of district heating companies
- Biomass producers and Biomass traders - domestic and international
- Biomass and cogeneration plant operators
- Biomass and cogeneration technology companies
- Renewable energy financing professionals
- Renewable energy law experts
- Owners of large agricultural farms in Romania
- Wood waste and pelleting companies
- Grain storage and process facilities
- Other entities interested/ involved in the bio-energy market
2014 edition - Event Testimonials
“I was very impressed with the high number of participants to this conference.The conference was well organized! We look forward to the next edition!”
Jean Pierre van WINGEN General Manager – VAN WINGEN NV
"Biomass, Biogas & CogenerationNational Conference, which took place on May 8, enjoyed a great participation. The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development is permanently connected to the necessities of the private sector on the biomass and biogas domains, taking in to account that the Romanian's agriculture is not fully exploited. In this context, farmers should pay special attention to the capitalization of biomass from agriculture, establishment of non-agricultural energy crops and the development of units capable to tap renewable energy sources, especially biomass. The future is not only for the food production but also for the renewable energy production that can be provided by the agriculture and related industries.”
Tatiana PREDA Senior Counselor – Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
“EOS group of companies wishes to thank you for the opportunity of participating to Biomass, Biogas & Cogeneration Romania 2014. From our point of view the most expected event was a positiv one, marking business interests and showing his desire of involvement and finding answers and legislative clarifications. The event managed to empower the attention of the main actors in the energy sectors and the ministries directly involved. What remains is only that the simbioses between what it wants to realize. As far as you are concerned, as organizers, the profesionalism that you showed, made the event a successful one. For the next events, we wish GOVNET success and attention paid to beneficiares.”
Liviu Augustin TARIN General Manager – EOS ENERGY
“The participation to the event dedicated to production technologies of electricity and heat using biomass and biogas as fuel it was a great opportunity to meet people directly involved in this field, with whom I was able to exchange ideas, information and I hope that we will also collaborate in the near future. The organizers of the event brought face to face investors/representatives of production capacities and people in decision-making bodies for the support schemes with CV for the energy produced from RES-E, offering the opportunity of a dialogue that will lead to optimizing the grant/monitoring. The purpose of the conference, the impressive number of participants and the high level of organization and competence are some of the pleasant impressions of the event. Overall, the conference was a successful one and I would like to attend more conferences, organised by GOVNET, on energy issues.”
Iulian BACIU Energy Responsible – EGGER Romania
“During this event I learned interesting things about the biomass concerns and in particular I met people who actually do or want to do specific things. With some of them I already established contacts in order to identify potential collaboration opportunities.”
Boris BOBU Operations Director – Energy Serv


The challenges of transport and distribution of electricity will be the focus of discussions at “Access to the Grid” Conference organized by Govnet Conferences.
Representatives of the national transmission and system operator Transelectrica and of the other regional grid operators and energy suppliers will have the opportunity to present in an interactive forum for discussion, the challenges and opportunities of developing national energy system, innovations and solutions for sustainable and safe operation.
There will be presented the new directions in the development and operation of electric power transmission and distribution networks, technologies and development trends, sustainability policies, connection solutions for new sources of energy, and an overview of the current situation of the energy system.
Access to the Grid, April 23, 2015 - Hotel InterContinental Bucharest
Target group: Local and International experts from the energy industry and Romanian authorities supervising and regulating the field.
Language: English and Romanian (with simultaneous translation provided)
Registration: Conference participation fee is 98 €/ person.
The fee includes the participation in the conference sessions, coffee breaks and lunch, as well as the conference proceedings documents.
All registration fees mentioned above exclude 24% Romanian VAT.
Registration conditions: The program and the speakers are subject to change. Should the conference be cancelled due to force majeure, unavailability of the conference venue, speakers being prevented or for other good cause, the organizer reserves the right to cancel the conference. In case of cancellation all participants will be informed promptly. In this case, all registration fees will be reimbursed.
Payment: Payment can be made by bank transfer prior to the event. Please take into consideration the limited seats availability, therefore we recommend that registrations are made prior to the week of the event.
Hotel: Exclusively for you we have got a limited number of rooms available at special rates in the InterContinental Hotel Bucharest. In order to accommodate you together with the other participants, please reserve your room by no later than one week before arrival.


The Courier & Postal Services Forum 2015 aims to bring together representatives of courier and postal services companies to meet up with authorities, e-commerce community, clients, banks and payment service providers, equipment and other related businesses to exchange and share their experiences and research about the sector.
This will be a senior-level event, attracting the industry leaders in an interactive conference that allows to share thoughts on the best strategies and innovative products for growing your business.
Who will attend:
- Management representatives of courier and postal services companies
- Major clients for the courier service industry - Banks, e-commerce, Energy utilities, Medical, Telecom
- Representatives of authorities regulating the postal services in Romania
- Representatives of banks, card issuers, payment service providers, leasing and financial institutions
2014 edition Post Event Testimonials
“The Courier & Postal Services Forum was a good opportunity to consolidate our relationship with the industry, meet new people and find old acquaintances. The event facilitated a constructive exchange of ideas, as well as sharing views on the latest tendencies in the market. It was wonderful to see all that energy and willingness to innovate, it gave me great hope for the future of the postal sector in Romania. I am looking forward to the 2015 edition of the event.”
Catalin MARINESCU, President – ANCOM
“Courier & Postal Services Forum 2014 did an extraordinary thing: to bring almost everyone involved in this market - competitors, customers, suppliers, authorities. The professionalism and openness shown by people with valuable business experience have made me and my colleagues participating in this event to be a very interesting, productive and enjoyable experience. I appreciate your initiative and I wish to see you again next year”
Dorin FIRUTI, General Manager – Romkuvert IND SRL
“The “Courier and Postal Services Forum 2014” was a fine initiative that we are very proud to have partnered with. Taking into account the development of the e-commerce sector, the Romanian courier market faces a series of opportunities that we should understand properly so as to make the most of, businesswise. The event has been a very interesting one, as it helped those present gain perspective on the directions of the Romanian market, with both opportunities and challenges. I very much appreciated the conference itself, the ideas and projects my fellow business partners presented, as well as the networking part, given the fact that successful professionals had an opportunity to exchange ideas and get in contact. We very much look forward to the next event.”
Serban ZAVERDEANU, Director Executiv – Promotional Interservice
“An extremely beneficial event for both courier and postal services companies and their suppliers. The organization was impeccable and the moderator was at the height of the event managing to maintain control of discussions, presentations, but also of debates.
Govnet deserves all the compliments for this event, managing to gather under one roof for a few hours, the big names of the industry and to settle relations between courier companies and suppliers and service providers.”
Daniel GHEORGHE, Account Manager – Truck Tires –Michelin Romania
“The event was very helpful, well organized and with many relevant guests”
Gabriel GHITA, Business Development Manager CEE, Customer Division – MasterCard
“The fear to participate in a first-conference event exclusively dedicated to couriers was immediately blown away by the room full of people very interested in the accomplishments and needs of the industry. It's a credit to the organizers who have acted levers needed to create opportunities. If the first step was done with such success that I can only be very optimistic in what I believe will become an event of great interest.”
Felix PATRASCANU, Managing Director – FAN Courier
“First I want to thank GOVNET for the invitation.
Starting from the right location for such an event, analyzing the participants both in terms of the presence and quality (major public – executive management), moving to the quality of the presentations and experience of those who have presented, attention to topics and active participation throughout the day, made this event to be a successful one for both courier work and related activities. Courier activities are extremely interesting both for profile companies and for contributors, which is why discussions about the latest innovations and trends are necessary for proper development of this sector and to provide high quality services and affordable for customers. As a representative of the auto industry, I am excited to participate at such events during which we have the opportunity to identify new business opportunities and to meet the transport needs of our clients. As an invited speaker at this event, I want to congratulate you both for organisation and event program.”
Daniel FLACAU, Senior Key Account Manager Vanzari Vehicule Comerciale – Renault Commercial Roumanie
“I would firstly like to congratulate you for the idea, its materialization and organization. It was a pleasure to know you and your colleagues with whom you have done an excellent job. I hope the next event to stand up to the one for which I congratulate you again.”
Miklos SZOBOSZLAY, Division Manager – GLS Romania SRL
“Many Thanks for the conference organisation. It was very well run.”
Mark HOBBS, Middle East Sales Manager – MiX Telematics


The most important event in Romania dedicated to Hydro Energy is preparing to open its gates for the 2015 edition!
Building on the success of the 2014 edition, GovNet Conferences offers again the meeting platform to discuss the specific aspects of investing in Romania’s hydro energy sector at the largest conference dedicated to this sector in the country, the Romanian HydroPower Energy Summit 2015.
Representatives of the Romanian Government and regulatory authorities and energy professionals will exchange experience across the entire supply chain of the hydro energy industry, through a perfect networking platform that will create new ventures and investment opportunities in the country.
Join us in a full day conference to find Romania’s business opportunities and challenges of the hydro power energy sector.
The Romanian HydroPower Summit 2015 is a prominent international conference and networking fair dedicated to professionals and investors acting in hydro energy, a must attend meeting platform for those looking to develop business contacts in this area of renewable energy.
The event is created to generate business ventures and present the investment opportunities in Romania's hydro power generation as well as to connect government representatives and regulatory authorities with private companies. Speakers from the Ministry of Energy, Romanian Energy Regulatory Authority, Ministry of Environment and Climate Change, Ministry for Water, Forests and Fisheries, Romanian Waters National Administration or the Romanian National Environment Guard will have key presentations.
Romanian HydroPower Energy Summit 2015 - February 12, 2015 - Hotel InterContinental Bucharest
Target group: Local and International experts from the hydro energy industry and Romanian authorities supervising and regulating the field.
Language: English and Romanian (with simultaneous translation provided)
Registration: Conference participation fee is 149 € + VAT/ person.
The fee includes the participation in the conference sessions, coffee breaks and lunch, as well as the conference proceedings documents.
All registration fees mentioned above exclude 24% Romanian VAT.
Registration conditions: The program and the speakers are subject to change. Should the conference be cancelled due to force majeure, unavailability of the conference venue, speakers being prevented or for other good cause, the organizer reserves the right to cancel the conference. In case of cancellation all participants will be informed promptly. In this case, all registration fees will be reimbursed.
Payment: Payment can be made by bank transfer prior to the event. Please take into consideration the limited seats availability, therefore we recommend that registrations are made prior to the week of the event.
Hotel: Exclusively for you we have got a limited number of rooms available at special rates in the InterContinental Hotel Bucharest. In order to accommodate you together with the other participants, please reserve your room by no later than one week before arrival.


The Romanian Courier Business Awards 2014 gala is the perfect meeting platform to celebrate and reward achievements, success stories and dedication of companies and personalities that keep the Romanian Courier sector on the move.
Besides giving the industry a chance to recognize the outstanding achievements of a chosen few, the event will also offer the perfect occasion to celebrate in the somptuous surroundings of a five star hotel in Bucharest another year of industry growth with the top management of the sector and its business providers from the entire supply chain.
Join us on November 13, 2014 at the Ronda Ballroom, Hotel InterContinental Bucharest to celebrate the courier industry champions of the year!
Overall Courier Business Awards
- Deal of the Year
- Courier Company of the Year
- Manager of the Year
- Business growth of the Year
Outstanding Programs
- Investment of the Year
- Innovation in services
- Best website
- Best Courier web application
Operational Courier Awards
- Courier service Car of the Year
- Courier sector client of the year
- Technology supplier of the Year
Awards Gala participation fee:
- Conference participation fee is - 189 € + VAT/ person.
- Company Corporate table of 6 - 980 € + VAT.
The fee includes the participation in the Awards Gala sitting down dinner.
All registration fees mentioned above exclude 24% Romanian VAT.
Registration conditions: Should the event be cancelled due to force majeure, unavailability of the venue, speakers being prevented or for other good cause, the organizer reserves the right to cancel the event. In case of cancellation all participants will be informed promptly. In this case, all registration fees will be reimbursed.


The Cornerstone of the New State Aid Schemes for 2014-2020
The previous state aid schemes proved to be a success and a lot of companies benefited from non-reimbursable funds during the last 6 years. The Romanian Government has decided to continue its commitment to finance viable projects through state aid and has recently approved the new state aid schemes valid for the period 2014-2020. State aid remains a feasible financing tool for local and foreign investors in Romania.
Your company can now benefit from up to 50% cash reimbursement of its investment in assets or of the salary costs for 2 consecutive years, if it intends either to invest more than EUR 10 million in assets or to create more than 10 new working places. The total budget to be allocated for such projects is of EUR 1.2 billion (EUR 600 million for each of the two schemes) and the applications will be treated on a first-in-first-out basis. It is now, when the Romanian Government has just laid the cornerstone of the new state aid schemes for the period 2014-2020, the best opportunity for learning more about this financing tool.
Join this event to get an overview on this incentive and to discuss with experts about the implementation of successful investments in Romania, practical issues and solutions.
Presentation Topics:
- Summary and financial statistics of the past state aid schemes
- State Aid scheme for financing investments in assets (GD 807/2014)
- State Aid scheme for financing salary costs (GD 332/2014)
- Application Process: pre-qualification, preparation of business plan and business model, commitments
- Technicalities for the implementation of the state aid scheme
- Success stories
Registration: Roundtable participation fee is 89 € + VAT/ person.
The fee includes the participation in the roundtable, breakfast, coffee break as well as the conference proceedings documents. All registration fees mentioned above exclude 24% Romanian VAT.
Registration conditions: The program and the speakers are subject to change. Should the conference be cancelled due to force majeure, unavailability of the conference venue, speakers being prevented or for other good cause, the organizer reserves the right to cancel the conference. In case of cancellation all participants will be informed promptly. In this case, all registration fees will be reimbursed.
Payment: Payment can be made by bank transfer prior to the event. Please take into consideration the limited seats availability, therefore we recommend that registrations are made prior to the week of the event.


The considerable development potential of Biomass & Cogeneration energy in Romania will be debated at the Biomass and Cogeneration - Romania 2014 National Conference, that will take place on May 8, 2014 in Bucharest.
Balancing power capacities are necessary in Romania, due to the fast growing wind and PV energy sectors, with Biomass power generation being one of the welcomed alternatives.
This high level B2B conference focuses on local opportunities and challenges for the development of the Romanian biomass and cogeneration sector, international co-operation in biomass projects, and project finance for bio-energy development in the country. The conference is addressed to biomass producers, energy companies, owners of cogeneration facilities as well as other parties already involved or interested in the development of the sector in Romania.
Biomass and Cogeneration - Romania 2014 National Conference and Networking Fair - May 8, 2014 in Bucharest
Who will you meet:
- Romanian authorities regulating the energy sector
- Biomass producers
- Biomass traders - domestic and international
- Biomass and cogeneration plant operators
- Biomass and cogeneration technology companies
- Renewable energy financing professionals
- Renewable energy law experts
- Owners of large agricultural farms in Romania
- Wood waste and pelleting companies
- Grain storage and process facilities
- Other entities interested/ involved in the bio-energy market
Language: English and Romanian (with simultaneous translation provided)
Registration: Conference participation fee is 129 € + VAT/ person.
The fee includes the participation in the conference sessions, coffee breaks and lunch, as well as the conference proceedings documents.
- 10% Early Bird discount will be applied for registrations and fee payment by April 15, 2014.
Registration conditions: The program and the speakers are subject to change. Should the conference be cancelled due to force majeure, unavailability of the conference venue, speakers being prevented or for other good cause, the organizer reserves the right to cancel the conference. In case of cancellation all participants will be informed promptly. In this case, all registration fees will be reimbursed.
Payment: Payment can be made by bank transfer prior to the event. Please take into consideration the limited seats availability, therefore we recommend that registrations are made prior to the week of the event.


The Courier & Postal Services Forum 2014 aims to bring together representatives of courier and postal services companies to meet up with authorities, e-commerce community, clients, banks and payment service providers, equipment and other related businesses to exchange and share their experiences and research about the sector.
This will be a senior-level event, attracting the industry leaders in an interactive conference that allows to share thoughts on the best strategies and innovative products for growing your business.
Who will attend:
- Management representatives of courier and postal services companies
- Major clients for the courier service industry - Banks, e-commerce, Energy utilities, Medical, Telecom
- Representatives of authorities regulating the postal services in Romania
- Representatives of banks, card issuers, payment service providers, leasing and financial institutions
Language: English and Romanian (with simultaneous translation provided)
Registration: Conference fee is 89 € + VAT (includes the participation in the conference sessions, coffee breaks and lunch, as well as the conference proceedings documents). All registration fees mentioned above exclude 24% Romanian VAT. Register online via the registration page on http://govnet.ro/events/view/17
Registration conditions: The program and the speakers are subject to change. Should the conference be cancelled due to force majeure, unavailability of the conference venue, speakers being prevented or for other good cause, the organizer reserves the right to cancel the conference. In case of cancellation all participants will be informed promptly. In this case, all registration fees will be reimbursed.
Payment: Payment can be made by bank transfer prior to the event. Please take into consideration the limited seats availability, therefore we recommend that registrations are made prior to the week of the event.
Hotels: Exclusively for you we have got a limited number of rooms available at special rates in the InterContinental Hotel Bucharest. In order to accommodate you together with the other participants, please reserve your room by no later than one week before arrival.


The Romanian HydroPower Summit 2014 is a prominent international conference and networking fair dedicated to professionals and investors acting in hydro energy, a must attend meeting platform for those looking to develop business contacts in this area of renewable energy.
The event is created to generate business ventures and present the investment opportunities in Romania's hydro power generation as well as to connect government representatives and regulatory authorities with private companies. Speakers from the Ministry of Energy, Romanian Energy Regulatory Authority, Ministry of Environment and Climate Change, Ministry for Water, Forests and Fisheries, Romanian Waters National Administration or the Romanian National Environment Guard will have key presentations.
Romanian HydroPower Energy Summit 2014 - February 20, 2014 - Hotel InterContinental Bucharest
Target group: Local and International experts from the hydro energy industry and Romanian authorities supervising and regulating the field.
Language: English and Romanian (with simultaneous translation provided)
Registration: Conference participation fee is 149 € + VAT/ person.
The fee includes the participation in the conference sessions, coffee breaks and lunch, as well as the conference proceedings documents.
Gala Networking Cocktail participation fee is 59 € + VAT/ person.
All registration fees mentioned above exclude 24% Romanian VAT. Register online via the registration page on http://govnet.ro
Registration conditions: The program and the speakers are subject to change. Should the conference be cancelled due to force majeure, unavailability of the conference venue, speakers being prevented or for other good cause, the organizer reserves the right to cancel the conference. In case of cancellation all participants will be informed promptly. In this case, all registration fees will be reimbursed.
Payment: Payment can be made by bank transfer prior to the event. Please take into consideration the limited seats availability, therefore we recommend that registrations are made prior to the week of the event.
Hotel: Exclusively for you we have got a limited number of rooms available at special rates in the InterContinental Hotel Bucharest. In order to accommodate you together with the other participants, please reserve your room by no later than one week before arrival.


If you are active in solar photovoltaic energy, this is the event to be in!
GOVNET Conferences and the Romanian Photovoltaic Industry Association invites you to attend the largest and most comprehensive conference dedicated to this sector in Romania. The event will not only be a place to exchange experience across the entire supply chain of the PV industry, but it will also create a platform for an in depth analysis of the possible solar industry development in Romania.
The largest annual event of the Romanian Photovoltaic Industry Association RPIA is organized by GOVNET and is the biggest conference and fair dedicated exclusively for the PV industry in the country that will bring together the highest level experts in this sector. This summit will promote solar energy in Romania and will be a high-level one day conference and fair based on very practical, useful presentations that will offer relevant information to major decision-makers in the industry. The event will raise awareness towards Romania as a still attractive investment target in PV.
The gateway to Romanian solar industry - The Romanian Solar Summit 2013, will offer you the unique chance and access to useful practical information from authorities and large companies with extensive experience in the photovoltaic industry, and the privilege to meet world players from the solar energy industry during networking time that will facilitate new partnerships, new connections, new business ideas and future growth.
2012 edition’s key figures :
- over 500 delegates in two full Summit days
- 37 top speakers from authorities and major private companies
- extensive national and international media coverage
Make sure to book a place!
ROMANIAN SOLAR SUMMIT 2013: 19 November 2013 - Hotel InterContinental Bucharest
Target group: International experts from the solar photovoltaic and the energy industry and Romanian authorities supervising and regulating the field.
Language: English (with simultaneous translation in Romanian)
Registration: Conference fee is 149 € + VAT. Gala Networking Dinner participation fee is 59 €+ VAT (includes the participation in the conference sessions, coffee breaks and lunch, free access to the networking fair area as well as the conference proceedings documents). All registration fees mentioned above exclude 24% Romanian VAT. Register online via the registration page on www.govnet.ro
Registration conditions: The program and the speakers are subject to change. Should the conference be cancelled due to force majeure, unavailability of the conference venue, speakers being prevented or for other good cause, the organizer reserves the right to cancel the conference. In case of cancellation all participants will be informed promptly. In this case, all registration fees will be reimbursed.
Payment: Payment can be made by bank transfer prior to the event. Please take into consideration the limited seats availability, therefore we recommend that registrations are made prior to the week of the event.
Hotels: Exclusively for you we have got a limited number of rooms available at special rates in chosen hotels. In order to accommodate you together with the other participants, please reserve your room by no later than one week before arrival.


‘The New Age of Retail’ Real Estate Forum 2013: Innovation is the keyword in retail
New Age of Retail’ Real Estate Forum organized by GOVNET
Conferences was held on October 23, at Intercontinental Hotel
Bucharest and gathered representatives of major retailers, but also
from complementary areas bringing to the fore the most pressing
issues in this area.
Representatives of major shopping centers and top retailers participated in this year's edition of the "New Age of Retail" Real Estate Forum. With the ever changing financial climate and challenging market environment, shopping centers and retailers need to work creatively to make consumers to open their wallets.
The demand for goods and services are in a continuous evolution, keeping retailers alert for the latest trends and shopping habits.
Who attended:
· Management of shopping centers and retail developers
· Top representatives of the most important retailers active in Romania
· Architecture firms and project management companies
· Representatives of banks and financial institutions
· Senior real estate consultants
· Representatives of service providers for the retail real estate sector
Participants Testimonials:
appreciate the good organization and the wide choice of the subjects
of major interest for the current economic situation in Romania
discussed. I believe and also appreciate that the data stated by the
presentations helps us have a much clear overview on the status quo
of modern Retail in Romania in the current context considering the
projection in the near future. Thank you and I’m waiting with great
interest the next edition.’
Danciu Cristian Stefan - Director
of Expansion Romania, KAUFLAND
‘I wish to send my congratulations to the GOVNET team for the excellent organization of the event and for the complexity of the subjects approached on the retail sector.’
Irina Ivan - Architect, ETEM Systems Romania
‘I thank you for the good cooperation in the event and I congratulate you for its success. ROFMA members present here were extremely pleased with the quality of the topics discussed, as well as with the attendance.’
Cristian Vasiliu - General Director, ROFMA
‘We wish to thank you and congratulate you for the successful event today. I hope we’ll further collaborate as well.’
Anne Linek - Business Developer, ARCHIBUS Solution Center Romania
‘I want to send my thanks for the event and fruitful information gathered. The event had good speakers and interesting presentations.’
Diaconu - Category
Manager Real Estate, ING Bank Romania
‘Once again thank you and your team for a flawless organization.’
Razvan Gaita - General Manager, Anchor Grup


few days left to register for the PV TAX& VAT seminar!
The Tax and VAT Business Breakfast organized by RPIA together with GOVNET will put at the same table representatives of authorities, consultants and some of the top players in the PV industry to discuss during a working breakfast the challenges of the latest legislation updates and taxation issues.
This will be an informal meeting with open discussions in which participants will have the opportunity to address key issues regarding taxation for the solar PV plants .


With over 100 national and international exhibitors, join the Romanian Solar Summit 2012 and expand your business in one of the world’s fastest growing PV markets!
If you want to be in the know, you have to come closer to the makers!
In order to meet the major players interested in partnering and developing the market, Romania’s premier solar show – The Romanian Solar Summit – is the place to be!
The gateway to Romanian solar players - theRomanian Solar Summit 2012, will offer you the unique chance and access to useful practical information from authorities and large companies with extensive experience in the photovoltaic industry, and the privilege to meet world players from the solar energy industry during networking time that will facilitate new partnerships, new connections, new business ideas and future growth.
Access practical useful information from well-prepared speakers, network with decision makers in the PV industry, source new ventures and showcase your expertise to investors and buyers throughout the world!
Why Romania?
- 6 Green Certificates /MWh for 15 years (if projects are completed by end of 2013)
- 1 GC = 27-55 Euro + Inflation Rate (Currently they are sold at 57 Euro)
- on top of the energy price on free market: approx. 50 Euro/MWh(coresponding to an FiT of 0.21 to 0.38 Euro / Wh)
- Less than 10 MW installed capacity in solar PV, compared to 1,100 in wind
- Goal: 20% energy from renewable sources in 2020
is the 6th most attractive country for investments in Europe for the
next three years”, according to 840 executives surveyed by Ernst &
Young in the 2012 European Attractiveness report. Business leaders
across the world find Romania more attractive than the Czech
Republic, Switzerland, Netherlands, Italy, Spain, or Sweden.
was ranked 21stin the global solar indices on May 2012, before much insolated
countries like Turkey or Egypt.” Ernst & Young BOX
Target Audience:
- influential regulators
- forward-thinking utility companies,
- decision makers in the solar PV industry - manufactures,
- financial institutions,
- EPC,
- project developers,
- vendors etc.