Accesul la Retea - Forumul Operatorilor de Retea si Furnizorilor de Energie Electrica
May 26, 2016, ,

 Provocarile oferite de liberalizarea pietei de energie precum si reglementarile privind transportul si distributia energiei electrice vor fi temele centrale de dezbatere in cadrul conferintei “Accesul la Retea - Forumul Operatorilor de Retea si Furnizorilor de Energie Electrica ” organizat de Govnet Conferences impreuna cu Asociatia Furnizorilor de Energie Electrica din Romania AFEER si CEZ.

Participantii din segmentul operatorilor de retea si furnizorilor de energie vor avea oportunitatea de a prezenta aspecte de reglementare si operare a retelelor electrice de transport si distributie, asigurarea unor conditii echitabile tuturor participantilor la piata de energie electrica precum si o analiza a situatiei actuale a impactului liberalizarii pietei asupra consumatorilor casnici.

Limba de desfasurare si prezentare: Romana si engleza, cu traducere simultana

Registration: Conference  participation fee is 98 € + VAT/ person.
The fee includes the participation in the conference sessions,  coffee breaks and lunch, as well as the conference proceedings documents. 
All registration fees mentioned above exclude 20% Romanian VAT. 

Registration conditions: The program and the speakers are subject to change. Should the conference be cancelled due to force majeure, unavailability of the conference venue, speakers being prevented or for other good cause, the organizer reserves the right to cancel the conference. In case of cancellation all participants will be informed promptly. In this case, all registration fees will be reimbursed.

Payment: Payment can be made by bank transfer prior to the event. Please take into consideration the limited seats availability, therefore we recommend that registrations are made prior to the week of the event.

Hotel: Exclusively for you we have got a limited number of rooms available at special rates in the InterContinental Hotel Bucharest. In order to accommodate you together with the other participants, please reserve your room by no later than one week before arrival.

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