How can the real value of sustainability information be unlocked?
Experts and consultants will share knowledge about the roles of government, business and civil society in driving change and developing a new vision for sustainable, equitable growth.
The invited speakers will provide participants with information, case studies and success stories about non-financial reporting and the implementation of sustainability concepts that can form the basis for developing a new competitive business strategy on the market.
Creating a sustainable global economy is a challenge - by engaging stakeholders, creating value and engaging the community - organizations innovate in these and other important areas. The conference takes place at a critical moment, when leaders from different fields can collaborate, can connect and disseminate information useful for future use internally for sustainable business management.
How can a sustainable strategy be built?
COVID crisis affected all the economic sectors and in this hit economic environment many of the company try to strengthen their businesses in many ways. Those who has an organizational culture based on internal cohesion, strategic alliances and partnerships or with strong embedded social responsibility managed will manage the crisis on long term and will remember the crisis as an opportunity for remodeling their business toward societal needs. Others, which had bid difficulties managing their business, will learn from the strongest ones. It is the moment when all of us need to work on lessons learned and to move forward. The life on this planet continue and we are responsible for a sustainable future.
Registration conditions: The program and the speakers are subject to change. Should the conference be cancelled due to force majeure, unavailability of the conference venue, speakers being prevented or for other good cause, the organizer reserves the right to cancel the conference.Data protection and sharing of contact details
The Conference Organizer will collect and store your personal datafor the preparation and execution of the conference as well as to inform you about future projects related to your sector and line of work. Your contact data will only be passed on to partners directly involved in the conference organization process as partners for follow-up purposes. If you have any questions about our privacy policy and the processing of your e-mail and related personal data, do not hesitate to write us at [email protected]
10:00 - 10:05 |
Introduction and welcome from host
Speakers introduction and Introductory address
10:05 - 12:00 |
Sustainability Strategy
Social Return on Investments (S-ROI)
Natural Capital
Carbon footprint
12:00 - 12:30 |
Procedura de accesare a videoconferinței pe platforma de webinar ZOOM
Accesare ZoomMeeting în browserul de internet
- Se accesează link-ul oferit de către GovNET pe e-mail, apoi click launch video
- Se introduc Meeting ID și parola (din mailul primit)
Se deschide aplicația ZOOM, unde ne putem conecta CU CONT existent, CONT NOU sau FĂRĂ CONT
Protecția datelor și partajarea detaliilor de contact
Organizatorul conferinței va colecta și păstra datele dumneavoastră personale pentru pregătirea și desfășurarea conferinței, precum și pentru a vă informa cu privire la viitoarele proiecte legate de sectorul dumneavoastră și de domeniul de activitate. Datele dvs. de contact nu vor fi transmise catre terti si nu vor fi folosite în scopuri comerciale.
Prin inregistrarea la eveniment va dati consimțământul pentru prelucrarea datelor personale obligatorii pentru transmiterea codului de acces pe platforma evenimentului.
În cazul în care doriți ca datele dvs. să fie eliminate trebuie să trimiteti o solicitare in scris catre Govnet, pe adresa [email protected].
Dacă aveți întrebări cu privire la politica noastră de confidențialitate și la procesarea mesajelor dvs. de poștă electronică și a datelor personale aferente, nu ezitați să ne scrieți la [email protected]