few days left to register for the PV TAX& VAT seminar!
The Tax and VAT Business Breakfast organized by RPIA together with GOVNET will put at the same table representatives of authorities, consultants and some of the top players in the PV industry to discuss during a working breakfast the challenges of the latest legislation updates and taxation issues.
This will be an informal meeting with open discussions in which participants will have the opportunity to address key issues regarding taxation for the solar PV plants .
09:00 - 09:30 |
Welcome coffee and business breakfast
09:30 - 11:30 |
Roundtable discussions
- VAT provisions incidental to the development of PV projects
- Supply with installation vs. construction works services (Romanian VAT provisions, decisions of the ECJ)
- VAT fixed establishment
- VAT registration obligation
- Joint ventures and consortiums
- Case studies
- VAT refund process
- General provisions regarding the VAT refund process
- Rules for justifying the VAT deduction right
- Maintaining of the VAT deduction right including for abandoned projects.
- VAT provisions incidental to the development of PV projects
11:30 - 12:00 |
Networking time

Director within the VAT legislation department, Ministry of Finance and Vice-President of the Romania Fiscal Consultants Chamber.

With extensive experience in both the Romanian and European legislation regarding indirect taxes, being a member of
the Romanian Tax Consultants Chamber, Bogdan worked for more than 6 years in a Big Four tax consulting company,
being involved in projects specific to various industry sectors.
Romanian Photovoltaic Industry Association – RPIA was founded in March 2012 with the purpose to represent the interests of this fast growing industry, to raise its awareness and to create a proper development and networking environment for potential investors in the Romanian market. The association now gathers under its umbrella over 70 international and national companies with extensive expertise in the PV sector. As of October 2012, RPIA became a member of the most important photovoltaic association at an international level, EPIA.