The News
October 16, 2015 15:21
Tuca Zbarcea and Associates assisted Interbrands Marketing and Distribution in the acquisition of GlaxoSmithKline’s owned company Europharm Holding....more »
October 14, 2015 14:40
Recent geopolitical events have stirred up certain issues which had not been in the media's attention for some time. One of the consequences of Europe's current migration crisis has been the unearthing of matters which many had hoped were long laid to rest. For instance, not long after refugees started pouring over the borders of Greece...more »
October 13, 2015 14:58
In only two years since its establishment, the Romanian law firm Maravela & Asociaţii has built a solid track record, its founding partners having succeeded to develop both a vast portfolio of top local and international clients and a strong team of professionals, as well as to gather an impressive list of awards and distinctions....more »
October 07, 2015 12:17
The Sonaca Aerospace company, an 80 year old group operating in the areas of development, manufacturing, assembly and testing of aerospace metallic and composite structures and their associated systems, managed to get state aid funds, mid September 2015, in order to open a new facility in Romania....more »
September 16, 2015 14:51
The cloudy days of the economic crisis took the toll on the legal profession with a cut in fees, number of lawyers and business plans. Business law is moving to an era of corporate rules and tight financial indicators to ensure growth in a cha...more »
August 06, 2015 12:35
RTPR Allen & Overy provided legal advice Advent International Corporation in connection with the sale Unirea Medical Center SRL - Medical service operator which operates under the name "Regina Maria" to investment fund Mid Europa Partners. Th...more »
June 29, 2015 15:47
The National Institute for Statistics announced that an increase in the production volume is expected by the managers in the processing industry, while construction, retail trade and services anticipate growths in their respective activities. According to the short-term inquiry for this June, the managers in the processing industry anticipate moderate increase in the production volume in the next three months....more »
June 29, 2015 15:13
A new law firm offering ultra-personalized litigation services, Pantea, Șimon si Asociații was formed through a spin out from Cunescu, Balaciu și Asociații. The founding lawyers, Marius Pantea and Alexandru Șimon, have previously been partners at Cunescu, Balaciu și Asociații law firm, where they handled for over seven years commercial and civil litigations, as well as labor and financial law litigations, in addition to insolvency and bankruptcy procedures....more »
May 25, 2015 11:37
The favorite candidate for the position of dean of the Bucharest Bar, Ion Dragne coordinator Dragne & Asociatii firm, was elected dean of the Bucharest Bar in the elections where 9,000 members of the Bucharest Bar Association were called to express their vote....more »
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