The News
January 19, 2016 12:36
Building on its recognized expertise already on the market in the area of taxation, Biris Goran announces a strategic partnership with Cabot Transfer Pricing, a consulting firm that offers comprehensive transfer pricing services. Together,...more »
January 18, 2016 11:42
NNDKP and TPS announces a strategic partnership in a time when intra-group transactions have become one of the "hottest" areas of taxation. Started as an initiative of the G8 and further developed by the OECD, the Action Plan against BEPS will determine the most likely changes in tax legislation concerning the business models of groups of companies, focusing on the economic content of transactions and prices that of transactions between affiliates....more »
December 14, 2015 12:33
Law firm Biriș Goran announces that following the appointment of Gabriel Biriș as Secretary of State at the Ministry of Finance, responsible for legislative reform in the field of taxation, the firm will be managed by existing co-managing partner Victor Constantinescu, who will be joined by Gelu Goran in the management role in Gabriel’s absence....more »
November 26, 2015 11:32
As activity in the financial and banking sector continues to gather pace, Reff & Associates, the law firm representing Deloitte Legal network in Romania, is expanding its banking and securities practice with two lawyers: Mihaela Maxim, who has joined the firm as Managing Associate and Andreea Stoica, who joined as Associate....more »
November 11, 2015 11:54
Maravela and Associates' Ioan Roman has been promoted to partner in November 2015 and will be acting as the head of the dispute resolution department, making this the first time since the firm's establishment in 2013 when a member of the internal team has been named partner, according to......more »
November 11, 2015 10:24
bpv Grigorescu Stefanica, an independent Romanian law firm with a full service offering for projects and litigation and a combination of legal and tax advisory capabilities, counseled Otto Broker de Asigurare, one of the......more »
November 06, 2015 14:45
During this particular period, when companies are in the middle of the budgeting process for the following year , the state aid event was a great opportunity to get an overview on this incentive and learn more about financing investments on non-reimbursable funds through the State Aid Schemes for 2014-2020 in Romania .
 ...more »
October 30, 2015 13:55
A-Heat, a leading and globally active group of companies specialized in refrigeration engineering, air conditioning, as well as process engineering, with shares in leading industrial enterprises, plans to make Bucharest the thermal capital of Europe......more »
October 23, 2015 10:28
Europe is astir. The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership or TTIP as it is known by most is causing quite the debate storm across Europe. Proponents of the agreement try to make their case by citing commercial and economic benefits while those who oppose the idea underline not only disadvantages in said areas but also potential environmental and health issues. If one is to take a close look at what is being negotiated they might come to the realization that the party that has the most to lose in this matter is Europe. It is of paramount importance to be informed before making a decision. What then is essential for us to know?...more »
October 22, 2015 15:07
Deloitte's annual Tax&Legal conference, entitled “Rewriting tax law: turning a challenge into a business opportunity” took place on October 21st at Bucharest's Marriott Grand Hotel. The much needed dialogue on changing international laws and the necessity for Romania to keep up with these changes as well as the methods used in order to do this have long been leitmotifs for legal practitioners in the country....more »
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