April 27, 2021 17:09
article by Alina Popescu, Cristina Crețu and Laura Dinu, MPR Partners  In the recent years, cybersecurity has become one of the crucial areas that the European Union (“EU”) decided to invest in to get fit for the digital era. In order t...more »
March 29, 2021 16:41
article by Carmen Mazilu, Tax Advisor, Noerr After more than 4-5 years from the initiation of the proposal made by the business environment and long discussions of the tax forums with the legislators, including at level of the Coalition for the D...more »
March 24, 2021 10:14
article by Alexandru Ambrozie, Partner and Head of the PNSA White Collar & Defense Practice, Ana Stoenescu, Senior Associate White Collar & Defense, and Andra Vieriu, Associate Capital Markets, POPOVICI NIŢU STO...more »
March 15, 2021 13:30
Introduction Before the advent of cinematography, fictional characters were portrayed in literature and the traditional visual arts, such as painting and sculpture.  Fictional characters range from the generic to the individualized. The more...more »
March 12, 2021 18:42
by Cristina Bojica, Partner, Gruia Dufaut Law Office Further to the approval of Law no. 175/2020, in force since October 13, 2020, amended and supplemented by the GEO no. 203 of November 23, 2020, the legislation regulating the purchase and sale ...more »
March 12, 2021 15:11
The end of 2020 and the beginning of this year have brought a lot of uncertainty to the sale of farmland located outside buildable areas. The uncertainty stems from the amendment of Law no. 17/2014 on the regulation of the sale-purchase of ...more »
March 08, 2021 14:02
Dealmaking has changed significantly after the outbreak of the pandemic. We have seen shifts not only in deal number and value, but also in the seller-buyer dynamics, in their expectations, the deal structure, and even in the parties' communication...more »
February 17, 2021 15:54
article by Oana Piticas - Senior Associate, Coordinator White Collar Crime Practice, NOERR Bucharest Although Romanian law established criminal liability of organisations in 2006, thus adopting a liability model very similar t...more »
February 08, 2021 13:37
by Flavia Ștefura and Cristina Crețu, MPR Partners  Background Cybersecurity is at the forefront of the European Union (“EU”)’s efforts to build a resilient, green and digital Europe. In this respect, on December 16, ...more »
February 08, 2021 13:24
Author: Georgeta Gavriloiu (counsel, Filip & Company) Over the years, the European Union has taken on a global leadership role in the fight against climate change. The main priority of the European Commission, led by Ursula von der Leyen, is ...more »
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