September 27, 2017 10:31
Chinese group WH Group the owner of Smithfield Foods announced the acquisition of two Romanian meat processing companies, Elit and Vericom. WH Group Ltd is the world's largest pig breeding and processing company, ina strong expansion of ...more »
August 21, 2017 13:10
Maravela si Asociații assisted the American Group Standex International Corporation regarding its first investment on the Romanian market, namely the acquisition of the Romanian branch of Piazza Rossa Group. The transaction was completed at the be...more »
July 18, 2017 15:21
Leroy şi Asociaţii advised French group, Lactalis, on the successful acquisition of Covalact S.A., one of Romania’s top dairy producers.  The Leroy şi Asociaţii team, consisting of Bruno Leroy (Partner), Andreea Toma (Partner) and Eleonora Udroiu (Partner), advised the French group on all transactional and regulatory aspects of the deal. This involved drafting and negotiating the transaction documents, obtaining the antitrust clearance and negotiating the commitments requested by the Romanian Competition Council....more »
July 03, 2017 12:42
PeliFilip provided legal assistance to the Belgian real estate investment and fund management firm Mitiska REIM in the process of acquiring 11 revenue generating parks from Alpha Property Development. The existing properties are all multi-tenants...more »
June 23, 2017 10:54
A Romanian subsidiary of Daimler Mobility Services, owner of mytaxi application and one of Europe's largest e-hailing company, announced the full acquisition of Clever Taxi application, thus becoming the 11th European country in which mytaxi operates. Clever Taxi was launched in 2010 by Mihai Rotaru and Alex Dumitru and operates in 20 cities in Romania with 17,000 registered drivers and over 600,000 users. ...more »
April 24, 2017 15:32
Following this transaction, which was completed on Wednesday 19 April, Octavian Radu acquired the  control over Postmaster SRL, a former subsidiary of the Österreichische Post AG Group, respectively on Total Post Mail Services and Total Post Services SRL, subsidiaries of Zoto Investments BV....more »
March 01, 2017 14:27
Romanian M&A reached an eight-year high in deal volume with 45 deals, a spike of 41% year- on-year in volume, and a 60% jump in value with a combined deal value of €1.99bn shows a study released by Wolf Theiss and Merger Market.  The strong performance in 2016 came in spite of the political uncertainty generated by a parliamentary election in December, an indicator of the country’s growth potential, whichever party is in power. In fact, expansionist scal policy has played a central role in accelerating domestic demand, a key growth driver. A value-added tax cut from 24% to 20% in 2016 will be followed by a reduction to 19% in 2017, while there have been three increases in the minimum wage in 18 months....more »
February 14, 2017 13:05
Mușat & Asociații assisted Mecaplast Group, one of the most important car components manufacturers in the world, for the purpose of expanding its business in Romania, by means of a „brownfield”-type investment.  The value of the project reaches approximately EUR 10 million and involves the inauguration of a plant in Romania, between Pitești and Mioveni, in 2017, destined to the manufacturing of car components for the new Duster. The investment in Romania involves all the industrial means necessary to develop new businesses, especially for engine parts and interior and exterior painted parts/elements....more »
February 07, 2017 16:57
Romanian private healthcare services market leader MedLife continues it's expansion with the acquisition of Anima clinics network, the company announced. The Anima network consists of six clinics, one laboratory and had a turnover of 5,2 million euro in 2016. ...more »
December 22, 2016 06:39
RTPR Allen & Overy has advised Raiffeisen Bank and Wood & Company Financial Services as managers on Med Life’s IPO, the biggest private IPO in Romania. The RTPR Allen & Overy team was led by Costin Tărăcilă (Managing Partner) and Loredana Chitu (Boeru) (Counsel) and further comprised associate Tudor Năftică and junior associate Mihnea Radu....more »
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