Țuca Zbârcea & Asociații and ELSA Bucharest to kick off the first GDPR training program for law students
Ciprian Timofte, Managing Associate at Țuca Zbârcea & Asociații

Țuca Zbârcea & Asociații and ELSA Bucharest roll out ELSA Courses – Keep Calm and Love GDPR, the first academic project to acquaint law students with the GDPR provisions.

ELSA Courses – Keep Calm and Love GDPR is to take place at the Law School of Bucharest University from 19 March to 16 May 2019. The program is open to 2ndand 3rdyear law students and comprises six modules (three theoretical and three practical modules). Further to the course, two students will be selected by Țuca Zbârcea & Asociații for paid internship. 

No doubt, the GDPR course is both a challenge and a delight. At any rate, this initiative is meant to refute the myth that Romanian students would only be interested in “traditional” law courses. We trust the new generations of legal practitioners. They are extremely talented and seem to be ever more pragmatic, creative and committed. We will seek the same set of values in the GDPR course. We promise pragmatism: we will blend theoretical concepts (which are necessary to assimilate the basics of GDPR) with genuine situations encountered in our practice. We will discuss noteworthy real-life cases and try to unravel GDPR’s threads together, in an interactive debate-oriented environment”, said Ciprian Timofte, Managing Associate at Țuca Zbârcea & Asociații, data privacy law specialist and coordinator of this academic project.

Through its key departments (Academic Activities, Seminars & Conferences, Student Trainee Exchange Programme), ELSA Bucharest constantly contributes to the cultural and professional development of students and young legal practitioners. This year, the “Academic Activities” department launches a new challenge for the students: a large-scale project called ELSA Courses for the 2ndand 3rdyear law students in Bucharest. By ELSA Courses – Keep Calm and Love GDPR we hope to attract many learners with a passion for this area, and – why not – who intend to specialise in GDPR in the future. Also, this initiative further strengthens our long-lasting cooperation with Țuca Zbârcea & Asociații. In fact, we are honoured that this year Țuca Zbârcea & Asociații law firm became an Official Partner of ELSA Bucharest”,added Ioana-Bianca Burciu, Vice President of Academic Activities at ELSA Bucharest.

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