Schoenherr Romania managing partner Sebastian Guțiu appointed to ICC International Court of Arbitration
Sebastian Guțiu, Schoenherr și Asociații SCA

Schoenherr și Asociații SCA's managing partner Sebastian Guțiu has been appointed as an Alternate Member of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) International Court of Arbitration. He will be a representative for Romania for the 2024-27 term, starting 1 July 2024. A recognised name in the Romanian legal market, Sebastian Guțiu has over 25 years of experience as a business lawyer, with a strong track record in international commercial and investment arbitration. 

Members of the ICC Court are appointed by the ICC World Council upon the recommendation of ICC local offices, known as national committees and groups, or upon the proposal of the Court President. Following elections by the ICC World Council held this June in Paris, the ICC Court has announced its new composition, which now includes 191 members from 119 jurisdictions.

"I am deeply honoured to have been appointed as Alternate Member of the ICC Court," said Sebastian Guțiu. "In this role, I look forward to working together with the other Court Members to support ICC in achieving its goal of helping businesses, governments and individuals resolve their disputes."

The International Court of Arbitration is a world-leading arbitral institution. Since 1923, the ICC Court has remained at the forefront of supporting global trade and investment through dispute prevention and resolution.

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