Mihai Macelaru has become Associated Partner with the Noerr, position we was promoted to in mid-December. He has been part of the law firm's team since 2012 when joined Noerr as coordinator of the M&A practice.
“I am proud that, during the 2-year period since I joined the Noerr team, I have succeeded in consolidating and expanding the M&A department, a department already well-known on the local market at the moment when I became part of it, as well as in participating together with my colleagues in some of the most complex projects on the Romanian market in this period”, commented Mihai Macelaru.
With 11 years of work experience, Mihai Macelaru is one of the most renowned lawyers focused on mergers and acquisitions on the local market, throughout his career being involved in some of the most important M&A transactions in Romania, such as the acquisition by Deutsche Telekom AG of GTS Telecom, the acquisition by the private equity fund of Societe Generale (SGAM) of a participation in Med Life, the joint venture created on the Romanian market between Campofrio and one of the most important local producers, Caroli. The latest transaction he was involved in is the sale of the Romanian operations of bauMax towards Adeo Group, Macelaru acting as coordinator of the Noerr's team which assisted the Austrian group.
Based in Germany, Noerr is one of the top European law firms with 500 professionals working in its offices across Europe and the United States. The Romanian office comprises 22 professionals, lawyers and financial/ tax advisors and auditors.