Deloitte Romania appoints new Partner to expand risk and regulatory practice

Deloitte appoints Dimitrios Goranitis as Financial Services Industry Risk and Regulatory Advisory Partner, thus expanding its risk and regulatory practice in Romania. Dimitrios will lead Deloitte’s risk service offering in Central Europe focusing on banking regulatory strategy and supervision and credit risk transformation. His appointment in Romania shows the country’s potential to lead the risk and regulatory reform in Central and South Eastern Europe.

“I am excited to team up with some of the best financial services specialists in Deloitte across Central Europe. The regulatory area in the region has a big potential for growth and I hope to contribute to its development,” Dimitrios said.

Dimitrios held leading banking risk advisory positions with Deloitte and other Big 4 companies in South and East Europe. Prior to that Dimitrios held senior positions with UBS and JP Morgan in New York.

Since 2010, Dimitrios has been supporting European Central Bank (ECB), National Competent Authorities and banking institutions throughout the credit crisis, the formation of the banking union and the adoption of Basel III standards. 

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