DLA Piper leads Mergermarket's global M&A ranking
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Mergermarket has ranked DLA Piper first globally by overall M&A deal volume for the five year in a row. The law firm remained number one in both Europe and the UK by deal count, while in the US it was ranked fourth.

The law firm maintains its leading position after a strong year for the global team that has been involved in nearly 450 mergers and acquisitions worldwide. Some of the most important deals include representing Vodafone in the acquisition of Ono, Spain’s largest cable operator (7.2 billion euro) and Synergy Health plc in its merger with STERIS Corporation (5.2 billion dollar).

2014 was also a dynamic year domestically, DLA Piper Romania being involved in major transactions, such as the selling by OMV Petrom and E.On of a 57.18 percent participation in Congaz S.A.

DLA Piper is a global law firm with 4,200 lawyers located in more than 30 countries throughout the Americas, Asia Pacific, Europe and the Middle East, positioning it to help companies with their legal needs anywhere in the world. DLA Piper has been present in Romania since November 2008 and has a team of 46 internationally-trained lawyers and tax consultants. 

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