bpv Grigorescu Stefanica advised Supernova in relation to the acquisition of Jupiter City Shopping Mall in Pitesti
Anca Albulescu and Nicolae Ursu, bpv Grigorescu Stefanica

Supernova acquired the Shopping Mall Jupiter City from Mall Retail Rom, part of Jupiter Group, through a complex business transfer transaction. The acquisition was financed partially from own funds and partially by Erste Bank AG, Austria. The property developer Supernova relied on the legal advice of bpv Grigorescu Stefanica for this acquisition, including for due diligence, contract negotiation for the business transfer and for the financing documentation.

The bpv Grigorescu Stefanica team was led by Anca Albulescu (Partner) and included Nicolae Ursu (Managing Associate) and Diana Radu (Associate).

PeliPartners assisted Jupiter Group, in the sale to Supernova Group. The PeliPartners team was led by Francisc Peli and Alexandra Ioniță (Senior Associate) and included Antonia Nica (Associate), Ana Atanasiu (Senior Associate) and Kodru Mansour (Associate).

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