PeliFilip advised Anchor, the real estate and development group, with respect to the merger of the Romanian group companies owning and operating București Mall and Plaza Mall. The process was designed as a merger through absorption, under which the entire patrimony of the Plaza Mall shopping centre was transferred to București Mall. The preliminary steps of the merger were initiated in March 2016, with the merger becoming effective in October 2016.
“We are very pleased with the opportunity to assist our client in this important project for Anchor Group in Romania. We would like to thank our client and its legal and financial teams for the trust and excellent collaboration which accompanied all the work and preparations invested in successfully closing this merger on schedule”, said Cristina Filip, Managing Partner PeliFilip.
The team working on this project was coordinated by Cristina Filip and included Eliza Baias, key expert and project manager, working together with Sofia Lovin, Dragoș Ungureanu and Ruxandra Listea, corporate law specialists in the Corporate M&A Department of PeliFilip.