NNDKP assisted CTP in acquiring Globalworth’s fully owned logistics portofolio
Lavinia Ioniță-Rasmussen, Partner at NNDKP

Nestor Nestor Diculescu Kingston Petersen (NNDKP) has assisted CTP, Europe’s largest listed developer, owner, and manager of industrial and logistics properties by gross lettable area (GLA), in acquiring the logistics portfolio fully owned by Globalworth, the largest office investor in CEE, with leading positions in Romania and Poland.

The portfolio, comprised of 270,000 sqm GLA and 30ha landbank, includes six industrial parks and other complementary facilities in six key locations in Romania, including Bucharest, Arad, Pitești, Oradea and Timișoara. 

Following this acquisition CTP unlocks new opportunities for development in Western Romania, while Globalworth strengthens its focus on the office segment, leveraging their expertise and market advantage. 

”The transaction represents a milestone for the local logistics sector, and a great example of the successful collaboration between two key players on the Romanian real estate market. We are grateful for the opportunity to assist CTP, our esteemed long-standing client, in yet another successful real estate transaction on the local market. This deal not only strengthens CTP’s position in the logistics sector in the CEE region, but also on the Romanian real estate market. Congratulations to CTP on this new achievement and thank you for your unwavering trust over the years ”, said Lavinia Ioniță-Rasmussen, Partner at NNDKP.

NNDKP has been involved in all stages of the transaction, providing assistance both in the due diligence phase as well as in relation to the structuring, preparation and negotiation of the transaction documents.

The NNDKP team involved in this transaction was led by Lavinia Ioniță-Rasmussen, Partner in NNDKP's Real Estate practice, who coordinated a multidisciplinary team which included members of the real estate practice Ioana Niculeasa, Partner, Vlad Tanase, Partner, Flavia Petcu, Senior Associate, Iulian Ursache, Bianca Isache and Mara Pieleanu, Associates, as well as specialists from other relevant practice areas.

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